How to Use Body Language in Speech

Giving a public speech can be a mind-numbing task for you if you do not know how to communicate your message effectively and how to make people listen to you attentively. Using body language in a speech overcomes many flaws. You communicate naturally when you use body language during your speech because the words start flowing through your mouth and you control the audience.

But things get tricky when you do not know how to keep the audience involved and people start listening to you with a boring look on their face. If you do not want that situation, learn how to use your body to cover up your speech flaws.


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    Sound as natural as you can

    Using your body language does not mean that you should pull your audience’s head off to make them listen to you. Just being natural will convey your message more effectively. So try to understand the audience and focus on the subject you are talking about. Thinking too much of how good or bad your speech is will derail you and you will mess up for certain.

    If you have not practiced using body language, as it usually takes months for an average person, you will make yourself look awkward, and even funny. So do not fake that you are pretty good at using body language. People will not get impressed by your speech, rather, they will notice your body movement, killing the purpose of the speech.

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    Have a good posture

    Having a good posture that does not distract the audience is the key to good speech. You should be aware of your posture, meaning how you look while you stand or sit during the speech. Examine yourself in the mirror. Try different standing positions and practice them until you are used to them. Watch videos of different speeches and try to compare speakers’ posture. Posture is nothing but you're standing or sitting position.

    This is very important when you are talking on an important subject. If you are standing motionless, your speech is bound to bore the listeners. And if you are moving here and there during the speech, people may get distracted and stop paying attention to what you are saying.

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    Make an eye contact

    If you do not want your audience to ignore you, keep a good contact with them. Does not focus on people sitting in the front, as most of the speakers make this mistake. It is natural for a speaker to pay attention to you if you look them in their eyes while speaking.

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