10 Symptoms that show Suicidal Tendency in a Person

Life was never meant to be easy. Everyday people find themselves coming across challenging situations, disappointments, failures, grief, etc. Things hardly go the way people want them to, which is why they constantly find themselves shifting between happiness, sadness, anger and remorse.

While some people are good at handling the dynamics of life, others are not that good at it and therefore search for an escape from their troubles by committing suicide. Fortunately, such people can be stopped in time from doing something stupid by identifying the symptoms that clearly give them away as being potentially suicidal.


  • 1

    Person begins to take unnecessary risk

    If a person begins to take unnecessary risk all of a sudden, then it is a solid indication that he does not value life dearly anymore. It is extremely important to keep an eye on such a person so that he is not allowed to harm himself.

  • 2

    Person starts making suicidal threats

    People who are having suicidal thoughts start mentioning the idea of ending one’s life more during their discussions with others. The normal chirpiness disappears from their voice and they begin to talk more about how bad the world and everyone in it is, or how hard it is for them to cope with life.

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    Person complaints about health and shows change in persona

    When a person is suicidal, their mental health has an impact on their overall health. People having a tendency to commit suicide regularly complaint about pain in different regions of the body and often spend most of their day on their bed, feeling lethargic and weak.

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    Starts making arrangements

    When a person is considering suicide, he normally does a bit of research to find out about the quickest and easiest way to end his life. Once the research is complete, he starts making plans accordingly. You can tell that a person is feeling suicidal when he begins to show an uncanny interest in weapons, drugs, etc.

  • 5

    Person shows frequent mood swings

    A person with suicidal tendency develops a problem of frequent mood swings. He can be very pleasant one second and fuming with anger the next. He also becomes agitated more quickly. Depression and headache also accompany these mood swings.

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    Person suffers from death of a loved one

    The death of a loved one is a huge loss for anyone. Some people find it really hard to cope with the death of their loved one and continuing to live without them. As a result, they plan on ending their life as well. Such people become numb and typically display only one emotion, depression.

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    Family background and domestic atmosphere

    Some people are affected the situation at their home as well as the way they have been brought up. Living a sheltered life makes a person weak. The parents may be doing this to keep their child safe, but when the child grows up, he finds himself incapable of coping with the challenges. As a result, he considers bringing his misery to an end through suicide.

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    Person indulges in wrong habits

    Suicidal people may indulge in drug abuse, alcohol and other harmful habits. They do not really care about living a healthy life and therefore search for an escape.

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    Person suffers from insomnia and shows a loss in appetite

    People with suicidal thoughts face difficulty sleeping because of mental stress and depression. There is so much going on inside their head that they cannot make themselves relaxed enough to get some sleep at night. Furthermore, they find their appetite falling significantly.

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    People with suicidal thoughts withdraw from all activities that can add the slightest bit of joy to their lives. They do things to make life even harder for themselves.

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