Difference Between ZIP and GZIP Compression

ZIP and GZIP are lauded as some of the best compression methods, in order to save some space on your hard disk. In addition to that, both the methods make it easy for the user to transfer huge number of files from one computer to another, in just one click. When compared, GZIP is known as a better compression method, because of its ability to compress and save more space compared to the ZIP compression method.

The software that uses ZIP compression method always has the ability to archive and compress the files together. On the other hand, GZIP is only a compression tool, and has to rely on any other tool for archiving purpose.

Once the GZIP file is decompressed, you can then extract your required file. Therefore, it takes too much time, when it comes to extracting a 1MB file from a 20 GB data. It is a huge disadvantage for GZIP files.

It also serves as its advantage, as the compression algorithm in GZIP compresses too many files at a time, as they are all available for compression after they are added to the archive folder. As a result, GZIP can compress the files way better than a normal ZIP compression. For instance, if you compress 20 identical files using both the ZIP and the GZIP compression methods, then the ZIP file will be around 10 times larger than the GZIP file.

Related: How To Decompress a Zip File


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    When using ZIP compression method, the files are first compressed before adding to the archive folder. Whenever you need to extract a single file from a ZIP, you just have to take it out and decompress it. For instance, if you have 100 files in a ZIP, then you do not need to decompress all of them, just to view a single file. In fact, you can just select your required file and decompress it for your use.

    The ZIP compression is normally used when you need to transfer a number of small files through internet. It helps in attaching all the files in just one click.

    Related: How to Create and Extract Zip Files on Android

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    When it comes to compressing files using GZIP method, the files are first archived into a single tarballĀ and are then compressed. If you want to extract a file from a GZIP, you cannot do it without decompressing the whole GZIP file.

    Related: How to Speed Up Your Website with GZIP Compression

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