A Biography of John Cena

The world of wrestling has gotten a huge boost from up and coming star John Cena who is part of the WWE wrestling federation. John Cena is revitalizing the sport and increasing the number of fans who watches on television and in the stands at his matches.

John Cena was born in West Newbury, Massachusetts on April 23, 1977. He comes from an Italian family and his parents were the first generation of his family born in the United States. Cena has emerged and risen to fame from his wrestling career. In addition, Cena also does hip hop concerts and albums part time. He currently has a song out called “You can’t see Me.”

John Cena has gotten most of his fame as the WWE, World Wrestling Entertainment Raw champion. In the 2005 wrestling draft he was drafted by Raw.

Before John Cena became a professional wrestler, he was a bodybuilder which is proof of his amazing upper body. He was also a college football player. On his football team he played the center position and was an All American. He attended Springfield College and earned his degree in exercise pysiology.

John Cena first started his wrestling career in 2000 when he trained in California and signed with the Ultimate Pro Wrestling group. His initial character name was called “The Prototype.” When Cena then later joined the Ohio Valley Wrestling group, the WWE offered Cena a bigger contract to sign with them so he joined Raw.

On June 27, 2002 in Chicago John Cena had his first match against Kurt Angle who is a pretty good wrestler. Cena put up a great fight and won over the adoration of his fans but ultimately lost the match to a more experienced wrestler in Kurt Angle.

Since that fight John Cena has gone on to face the Undertaker, Chris Benoit and many other known super star wrestlers. John Cena has had a wild WWE career as he has lost the title after going through so much to get there. Along the way he took on wrestler Booker T in a best of 5 wrestling matches which he won as he proved how good he was to wrestling fans everywhere.

John Cena is best known for a series of 6 different moves he performs on the ring called the “Six Moves of Doom.” As his WWE wrestling career continues, he still remains a fan favorite.

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