A Wonderful World of Desktop Wallpapers and Backgrounds

Computer users love personalizing their desktop with images that say something about their own unique interests. Whether a family photo, digital illustration or picturesque landscape, our monitors become somewhat over-sized picture frames featuring what we enjoy viewing most.

With an abundance of websites devoted to distributing desktop wallpapers and backgrounds, most of which include annoying advertising, pop-ups and spyware, it’s great to come across one that truly stands apart from the rest of those providers.

Introducing, Caedes.net, an online community which offers a vast and high quality selection of custom backgrounds, in various sizes (resolutions); It also provides creative types with an outlet to share their artwork with Internet users and have site members vote on their creations, leaving comments and constructive feedback.

Registration for Caedes.net is absolutely free and doesn’t require you to provide too much personal information. Although visitors are not required to register with the site in order to download images, you will begin to receive a “warning” asking you to register and leave comments after making several downloads.

Immediately after signing up, users are allowed to post remarks and upload their own images. Basic membership allows you to upload one image per 24 hour period, but you can upgrade to the “Caedes Cadre” which entitles you to certain enhanced features such as being able to upload 2 images every 20 hours and removal of site advertisements. The nominal cost of upgrading membership helps to offset site management and hosting fees for the Caedes team, and is completely optional.

Caedes.net wallpapers are sorted into major categories, ranging from Abstracts to Photography. More experienced members may also post tutorials with step-by-step instructions on how to create, manipulate or manage images. A fun section of the site is the “Rework” category, where members ask permission of another artist, to take their creation and modify it in some way. The results are then uploaded into the “Rework” category, providing some fascinating alternatives to the original image.

The site encourages member collaboration and group projects, via contests, challenges and special requests for specific wallpaper designs. Forming creative teams is a terrific way to network socially, making new friends and taking your creativity to the next level. There are also discussion boards, a voting booth where you can rate random images and a ranking system known as “karma”, which according to site owners is absolutely meaningless, but fun to watch grow nonetheless!

So if you’re looking to dress up your desktop, or share some custom designed images, Caedes.net is a great community to join. With over 180+ thousand members to date, you’ll rarely be viewing the same wallpapers twice.

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