Amitabh Bachchan – -The Phoenix of India

Amitabh Bachchan – -The Phoenix of India

Amitabh Bachchan is born in Allahabad in October 11, 1942. Bachchan’s first film success was Zanjeer (1973); by the end of the 1970s he was something of a cultural phenonemon in India and was regarded as the most popular star in the history of Indian films. He is often compared to such American action stars as Clint Eastwood, although Bachchan’s talents also extend to singing, dancing, and comedy. After a brief stint in politics in the mid 1980s, Bachchan gained a new generation of fans in the next decade as host of the television game show Kaun banega crorepati, the Indian version of the U.S. and U.K. hit Who Wants to Be aMillionaire?

Amitabh Bachchan’s talent in acting in immense. He used to work as a clerk in a Kolkata office. Then some relative took him to Mumbai and helped him join the bollywood. He struggled like other actors to achieve fame in his life. Even at this age, he does films like Baghban, Black, etc. People appreciate it.

Mr. Bachchan gets more attention than his son, Abhisekh Bachchan. He is trying to make a footing in Bollywood. But his father is the real phoenix. From his financial crisis, he recovered remarkably with the help of the show in Star TV Kaun Banega Crorepati. His style of speaking is unique. His height and his French cut beard makes him enigmatic.

Now he is in every one advertisement one could think. He is in Pepsi, Polio, advertisement of cars, Cadbury, Chawanprash. The companies are cashing on his reputation. The way he smartly endorses the product makes him a great model. Actually to do a few second ad, acting is very important. Most ads nowadays are without speech, but Bachchan’s ad has some of his few words.

I compared Amitabh Bachchan with Phoenix. in ancient Egypt and in classical antiquity, a fabulous bird associated with the worship of the sun. The Egyptian phoenix was said to be as large as an eagle, with brilliant scarlet and gold plumage and a melodious cry. Only one phoenix existed at any time, and it was very long-lived – no ancient authority gave it a life span of less than 500 years. As its end approached, the phoenix fashioned a nest of aromatic boughs and spices, set it on fire, and was consumed in the flames. From the pyre miraculously sprang a new phoenix, which, after embalming its father’s ashes in an egg of myrrh, flew with the ashes to Heliopolis (“City of the Sun”) in Egypt, where it deposited them on the altar in the temple of the Egyptian god of the sun, Re. A variant of the story made the dying phoenix fly to Heliopolis and immolate itself in the altar fire, from which the young phoenix then rose.

The Egyptians associated the phoenix with immortality, and that symbolism had a widespread appeal in late antiquity. The phoenix was compared to undying Rome, and it appears on the coinage of the late Roman Empire as a symbol of the Eternal City. It was also widely interpreted as an allegory of resurrection and life after death – ideas that also appealed to emergent Christianity.

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