Best Toys for Babies from Birth to One Year

It is sometimes hard to know what kind of toy a baby will enjoy the most. Let’s face it, baby toys are expensive! What are the best ones to spend your money on? Do you need to spend a fortune on baby toys?

The trick about buying baby toys is that every baby is going to like something different. Some baby’s don’t give the time of day for toys. Others have a favorite toy that they will not let go of. But, there are some toys that are sure to please just about any baby. The key to finding a great baby toy is to find something that is colorful, makes noise, and can be chewed on safely.

Millie the Millipede by Kids II is a great infant toy. Millie the Millipede is hardy, and great to chew on. She has five round body sections, and each section has two legs and two feet. The feet are great for little mouths to chew on. They are not long enough to be a choking hazard, but they are small enough to fit in little mouths. Millie the Millipede can be washed, with is great since little mouths like to drool. She makes noise too. She squeaks, makes “crinkle” noises, and even has a bell. Hey, five body sections need to be used for something!

The tried and true plastic keys are one of the best baby toys. There is probably a reason they have been a staple in nurseries for so long. They make noise, a big plus, and they are great to chew on. Most models are bright and colorful. Oh, and they make a really neat sound when you bang them on your high chair!

Stacking toys are another great thing for babies. This is a toy they can enjoy watching you play with and eventually grow into. Not only are they colorful, but they are educational as well. You can purchase sets of stacking cups, or blocks, or even make your own out of hair spray caps. Anything a child can stack and knock over is a great baby toy! And in this category are the always-present stacking plastic rings. These have been around for all time, it seems like, and they are popular with babies around the world!

When shopping for baby toys, look for a ball. Do not buy a ball that is too big for their little hands. Keep in mind that you do not want the ball to be a choking hazard either. A Nerf ball is probably a good option for a baby. It will be soft enough that your baby will not be injured, yet small enough that baby can grab it.

Of course, you will need to have plenty of books around to teach your baby about words. One of the best books for babies is Dorling Kindersley’s “My First Word Book.” This book is great because it has pictures normal things, with the word underneath. Things like a ball, cat, dog, etc. Babies cannot follow story lines, but they enjoy colorful pictures and the interaction with mom or dad.

Of course, no nursery is complete without an excersaucer. This is one toy where you will need to spend a little bit more, but it is well worth it for the sanity it brings by giving you moments without the baby in your arms. On great, and slightly less expensive option is the Bounce Bounce Baby. This one has a platform attached with elastic to the toy, so the baby can actually jump a little. The toy makes fun “boing” noises when the baby bounces. It also has five toys on it that the baby will enjoy. The best part is, it is about half the price of the other excersaucers on the market today, but it still has all of the color, sound, and fun!

So, with the exception of the excersaucer, there really is no need to spend a lot of money on baby toys! Babies don’t know the difference between an expensive toy and a cheap one, and as long as the toy is safe, colorful, and noisy, chances are they will enjoy it! Save your money until they are ready for a bike!

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