Children Do it Best!

Did you ever notice how much energy children have? They can endlessly run around a park, swim for hours and jump around like a Mexican Jumping Bean!

They don’t do it because it’s good for you – they do it for fun – fitness is just a byproduct!

So why not take your cue? Who says you have to always act your age? I mean when is the last time you skipped rope? Or bounced on a trampoline? Or played a game of tag?

In order to maintain overall wellness, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) states at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise is needed almost everyday in no shorter than ten minute bursts – and being active for longer only increase health benefits. But no one said you have to go to the gym or kill yourself with boring, repetitive exercise routines? Children do it best – they have the right idea – focus on fun not exercise!

In fact child activities like jumping rope and rebounding on a trampoline are considered excellent low impact activities to enhance cardiovascular health while toning and strengthening the entire body – and they are activities that the whole family can enjoy!

Let’s face it, by the time children reach the age of eleven or twelve, their activity level drops – and not seeing you exercise can have damaging effects on their outlook on a healthy active lifestyle.

So why not join them in the fun and boost your own overall wellness too? Go for a family bike ride – go for a hike in the woods – try your luck at online skating – join in while they skip rope – create an exercise routine on a trampolineâÂ?¦be creative and stay active together!

But keep in mind as a parent you are not as young as your child – some pacing may be required. Remember to consult with your physician to assure you are well enough for moderate physical exercise and make sure you always warm up and stretch out before exerting yourself (also great habits for kids!).

Safety should be your first priority. When jumping rope, avoid the temptation to jump on concrete, grassy surfaces and asphalt – try a piece of plywood or an impact mat – this will decrease the risk of injuries.

When rebounding, purchase a stable six-legged mini tramp with a solid spring system and non-slip mat – handrails are also an excellent deterrent for catapulting injuries.

When biking make sure safety gear is worn and equipment is in good working condition.

Avoid overexertion and dehydration as these can cause an increased risk to injuries and health problems.

By joining along your kids will see your commitment to fitness and be more likely to maintain that thinking through their lives. And by joining you are contributing to the overall wellbeing of not only you but your family as well!

So go ahead, be a child for an afternoon – let go, have fun and get fit – together!

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