Creating Jump Menus in Dreamweaver 8

Jump Menus are becoming more popular in the world of web design. This is because jump menus are easy to make and can save space on your website. Jump menus are similar to drop-down menus. The difference is a jump menu will open links based on the option that was selected. If you have several link options and little space on your site, using jump menus would be a great way to go. Now thanks to Dreamweaver 8, jump menus can be created in a few easy steps. Follow the steps below to insert a jump menu on your site.

First you will need to open your Dreamweaver program and open the document that you want to use.

Step 1 – Place your cursor in the location where you want your jump menu to appear.

Step 2 – At the top of your Dreamweaver window click Insert > Form Objects > Jump Menu. The Insert Jump Menu dialog box will appear.

Step 3 – You can add items by clicking the plus sign and adding the label of the menu items in the text field.

Step 4 – In the URL field, type in the URL that that menu item will use. You can type in the URL or click browse to locate the file you want to use.

Step 5 – You can choose to open the URL in the main window or a new window.

Step 6 – Type in the name of your menu in the Menu Name Field.

Step 7 – By inserting a go button, users will be able to click the button to choose the first choice.

Step 8 – Once you have created the menu to suit your site, click OK.

Step 9 – Click File / Save.

You have just created your first jump menu in Dreamweaver 8. You can easily edit your jump menu at any time by highlighting your jump menu, click windows / behaviors. In the behaviors panel, double click the jump menu behavior to launch the original jump menu dialog box. From there you can edit what ever you need. Jump menus are very easy to create in Dreamweaver and will save space through out your website.

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