Dealing with Mice: A Mouse in My House!

If you are dealing with mice, chances are you are well aware of the problem. You have noticed the small brown pellets in drawers and under sinks. You have heard the scratching and noises at night. You have been scared silly in the night when a mouse unexpectedly jumped out!

The truth is, mice aren’t nice house mates. They are filthy and annoying! It is important to get rid of a mice problem immediately, because they breed very quickly. They can cause an odor and they leave their nasty droppings all over the place.

It is necessary to clean the house very well and remove any crumbs or food for the mice. Mice will eat any kind of food (including pet food) but prefer grains. Go through your entire house, inspecting for crumbs and evidence of mice. Outdoors, bird feeders left spilling over are a common source of food for the mice.

Mice live in warm areas and have the ability to squeeze through very small openings. They can squeeze through a hole the size of a US dime. Remove any clutter…cluttered closets, childrem’s rooms, cabinets, etc. Once you have finished cleaning, inspect the house looking for small entry holes. Fill them in using “Chore Boy”, or steel wool.

There are many routes to consider when deciding what method to use for removal. Snap traps, live traps, poisin, and repellants are just some of the available options. Mice naturally do not like the scent of mint. Peppermint oil can be used in small drops on cotton balls around the home. You can also plan peppermint seeds in a garden around the home.

Snap traps have been around for a long time, and they work well. However, they can be messy and not always efficient. They are also very dangerous to have around young children. They are very cheap, costing less than a dollar each at most stores. These traps should be set up along the walls, where the mice are most likely to run into them.

Glue boards work by having a sticky surface to catch the mouse with. The traps leave the mice to die of starvation and/or stress. The mouse cannot be removed from the trap once it is stuck to it’s body, as it’s fur would be pulled off as well. These traps are also not a good idea around children and can be found cheaply in dollar stores.

Zapper traps work by luring the mouse inside a small cage and delivering an electric shock, killing the mouse. They are effective but rather costly and use batteries up quickly.

A catch trap is a cage designed to keep the mouse alive for release. They use bait to lure the mouse in and the cage door shuts behind them. They work well but the mice do have a tendency to get used to traps and learn to avoid them.

Another common suggestion is the Ultrasonic devices that plug into your walls. I do not recommend this. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Comission has stated that these devices are inffective in controlling rodents.Although the noise may be slightly disturbing to the mice, they quickly get used to it and it proves to not be effective at all.

There are several poisons on the market as well for removing mice. It is very important to use extreme caution with these poisons, especially if children or pets are present. The mice often die in unimaginable places, leaving a very horrid smell. Decomposing flesh attracts other pests as well. Poison should be used as an absolute last resort.

The best and only solution I have found to complete rid us of our mice problem is fox urine. It can be purchased in some stores and online. It is a bit pricey, but well worth it. The urine is placed on cotton balls and inserted into canisters to be scattered around the house. Because the fox is a natural predator of the mice, the mice do not like the smell. I have found it to be very effective and safe to use with small children around.

Consider all your options before purchasing any products. But work quickly! The mice do breed fast and it is important to remove them as soon as possible. By using some of the above methods, you should have a mice free home again.

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