Do You Qualify for a Home Repair Grant?

If you’ve ever had damage done to your home or been involved in an unfortunate situation of having rain or snow engulf your dwelling. A home repair grant may be the perfect answer for your situation. This article will help you discover some places to look for help and how to find out if you qualify for a home repair grant.

The good news

They always say – the good news is the best place to start, and this article is no exception. Did you know that a home repair grant does not need to be paid back? Most home repair grants are either privately funded or government funded. There are grants for many different classes of people. From seniors to handicapped individuals in need of home repair grant assistance.

Seniors age 55 and older

Some cities have special programs that will offer a one time home repair grant to seniors age 55 and older. This can be a wonderful blessing if you are on a limited or fixed income. You would need to check with your local city officials to find out the exact requirements and availability in your specific area. But, this might be a great option to consider.

Private home repair grant

Often time’s private individuals, prominent business people, and others will offer assistance through a private home repair grant. You might find this information at your local chamber of commerce or perhaps you might find local businesses running ads in your local newspaper offering assistance for home repair to qualifying individuals. One of the local realtors in my area has been helping individuals for several years with their needs. He usually offers to help with food expenses as well. This can be a real win – win situation for both you and the business person.

Disabled individual may qualify too

There are special programs available for certain disabled individuals who need assistance through a home repair grant. Check your city for disabled assistance programs to see if they can give you further information.

The internet is always a good place to search

The internet is a great place to start when trying to find information. You will find qualifications forms and many types of grants being offered. This will give you some things to compare. Although many of the programs online will be specific to a certain area; you may be able to find local listings, and direct numbers of people to contact for home repair grant assistance. Regardless of your situation it never hurts to do some checking around if you are in need of assistance.

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