English Grammar Lesson Plan: Pronoun and Antecedent Agreement

Lesson Plan Objectives:

1. Students will be able to identify the difference between singular and plural noungs.
2. Students will be able to use the correct antecedent with any noun.
3. Studetns will be able to use their knowledge in speaking as well as writing.

Lesson Plan Materials Needed:

Overhead projector
Notecards with Pronoun/Antecedent Pairs

Lesson Plan Procedure:

Put the definitions of a pronoun and an antecedent on the overhead and read them. (Pronoun = word that is substituted for a noun or noun equivalent. Antecedent = word, phrase, or clause that has the characteristics of a noun (person, place or thing) and is referred to by a pronoun)

As students to give examples of pronouns and antecedents. Explain the importance of pronoun and antecedent agreement.

Correct the sample sentences on the overhead (see below). Have students volunteer the correct answer.

Explain the antecedents found on the overhead. Note which are singular and which are plural.

Before class, create pairs of notecards that contain antecedents and pronoun pairs. Hand out the notecards during class and have the students pair up by matching the correct antecedent or pronoun with the correct noun.

Have the partners write sentences using the words on their cards and share them with the class noting the pronoun or antecdent agreement.

Lesson Plan Follow-Up Activities:

Have the students write poems based on one pronoun and its agreeing antecedent. The poems can be funny or serious.

Bring newspaper and magazines to class, and ask the students to find correct and incorrect pronoun/antecedent agreement.

Do a follow-up lesson on subject/verb agreement.

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Sample Sentences a

Example: Mary saw John and spoke to him.

(John is the antecedent. Him is the pronoun.)

1. The members of the choir lost its / their voices two days before the spring concert.

2. Minne, Sandra Bullock’s cat, was hit by a car last week and broke her / its leg.

3. The volleyball team got lost on its / their way back from the championship game.

4. The union workers went on strike to get a raise in its / their wages.

5. Natalie and Ben went to his / her / their / its first prom last weekend.

6. The black lab jumped into the pook and his / her / its claws scratched the lining.

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