Fahrenheit Video Game Review

The upcoming Fahrenheit for pc looks to be a bestseller amongst pc gamers. I have recently played the demo, which can be downloaded from www.gamespot.com, of the pc thriller type game which lets you determine the direction of the storyline.

Fahrenheit starts with a middle-aged man giving you a brief overview of what is going to happen in the next few scenes of the game where it shows you stabbing a man to death in a bathroom, yet doing it unconsciously as if it was all a dream. You realize that you have to disappear quickly or you will be caught, and from here on out you determine the course of the plot. For the outcome of not getting caught you would hide the knife, wash your hands, and walk out onto the street to the cab, and the demo would be over. Every now and then the game will show your anxiety by several bars that get lit up by the more anxious you are,obviously, the more precautions you take to not get caught the less bars will be highlighted.

The controls for the game are a bit unusual and different from most pc games but are easily adapted to after a short period of playing the game; for example, when you want to perform certain actions like washing your hands when you are in the bathroom, you walk up to the sink, click the left mouse button, and then move the mouse to the left. The directions of the mouse movement changes depending on what action is to be performed and the mouse movements are sometimes used in combination with things like the walking and such.

Overall I give Fahrenheit a 4/5.

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