Hot Tips for Cyber Monday Deals

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or even much technological know-how to score great deals on Cyber Monday. But there are tips and tricks that can get you more bang for your buck and more gifts under your Christmas tree this year.
  • Start Now. Make a list of what you’d like to purchase and research places that have those items. Make sure you know all the specs of the items on your wish list. A great deal on a Blu-Ray player won’t look all that great if after you get it, you realize it doesn’t doesn’t have wi-fi and you need wi-fi.
  • Sign Up. Most big box and electronics stores have newsletters which will let you know about deals ahead of the general public. They also sometimes have special deals only for subscribers.
  • Compare And Contrast. Just because you see a great deal at Best Buy doesn’t mean you shouldn’t check out Tiger Direct — or vice versa. Many stores offer the same items on deep discount for Cyber Monday. Not all discounts will be created equal.
  • Think About Shipping. Many sites offer free shipping. Some don’t. Remember to add the shipping costs to your total when making your purchase. It’s possible that the same item from another site ends up being less expensive because of cheaper shipping.
  • Look For Coupons. Just because you’re shopping online doesn’t mean you can’t “clip” coupons. Many deals have codes that offer additional discounts.
  • Check the ads. Big box stores’ Black Friday ads often include information about Cyber Monday deals. Look over them thoroughly. Ever dollar you save is a dollar you have to spend on something else.
  • Stay Up Late. While you may want to shop from the comfort of your office Monday morning, the deals typically start at midnight. Shopping early may allow you better deals on big-ticket items which often sell out quickly.

According to CNN Money, Last year’s top retailers for Cyber Monday included Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon, Sears, and Target. Home electronics such as DVD and Blu-Ray players always at the top the list of Cyber Monday deals and are expected to again this year, along with smart phones and tablets. Clothing, small appliances, accessories, and children’s toys are also perennial hits.

Don’t hold your breath waiting for any deals on what is expected to be this year’s hottest gifts, though. The new PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will sell at their normal $399 and $499 price tags, respectively.

Scott Leffler is a freelance journalist from Lockport, NY.

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