How to Pack a Maternity Bag

Some key things to remember before you start, are: don’t overpack, as you may not have a lot of room at the hospital to unpack; keep a book of phone numbers handy for people to contact after labor; and bring a camera!
To pack a maternity bag, here are fifteen key items to take with you:
1. A journal or notebook for passing thoughts and jotting down memories in the making
2. A camera, or video recorder if possible (this can also be delegated to a family member or visiting friend)
3. A comfortable dressing gown and robe
4. A water spray bottle to keep you cool
5. A watch that you can read easily to count contractions
6. Comfortable slippers!
7. A good book or magazine for downtime after labor
8. A set of clothes to wear when returning home; a homecoming outfit for mother and newborn is ideal
9. A clean set of clothes for post-labor pictures and downtime with your newborn
10. Relaxation music along with headphones, iPod, or portable CD player
11. Fresh towels, your hairbrush, and toothbrush/toothpaste
12. A jacket, hat, and blanket for your newborn
13. Any personal items or mementos that bring you joy during difficult times
14. Favorite foods and snacks to give you much-needed recovery energy
15. A nursing bra, extra underwear, and clean socks
Make your stay at the hospital as comfortable and memorable as possible by taking your personal items along with you; pack your maternity bag at least two to three weeks in advance of your due date, and leave it in an easy-to-grab area of your home so you don’t forget it at the last moment. You can even arrange for it to be dropped off by a family member who plans to go with you, or leave it in a car. Whatever your approach, be confident that you will be well-prepared so that you can focus on what’s most important: you and your newborn!