Increasing Your Odds of Conception

Deciding to have a baby is a monumental decision; planned pregnancies usually take plenty of forethought. You want everything to be perfect and you begin to wonder what you can do to improve your chances of conception. Instead of needlessly worrying, perhaps you should follow these tips on how to increase your odds of conception:

�It is Important To Understand Your Menstrual Cycle
If you thoroughly understand your cycle, it is easier to figure out what days you are most fertile. Some women find it helpful to keep a menstrual cycle calendar. On this calendar, they mark down the day which they start their period, the day it ends and any pre-ovulatory symptoms they may notice along the way.

When evaluating your menstrual cycle, there are three ways that assist in letting you know if you are ovulating. These include checking the cervical mucus. When the mucus is an egg-white color, it is an indication of high fertility. The position of the cervix is another indicator because it is found higher in the vagina on your most fertile days. The final tell tale sign is your body temperature. When you are ovulating your temperature increases.

�Do Not Have Intercourse Too Often
Many women think that by having sex as many times as possible during their most fertile days, they will increase their chances of becoming pregnant. This is often a common misconception because what many women do not realize it that trying to conceive can be both physically and mentally draining. It is best to try and conceive when both your body and mind are in a positive state.

�Lying Down After Intercourse
Although this will not guarantee conception, this can increase your odds. This is because the sperm needs to have a good head start and gravity often goes against the sperm, making it harder for them to reach the egg. If you lie still for at least five minutes it can really help improve your chances of conceiving.

�Having Sex on the Right Days
You are most fertile when you are near the five days leading up to, and 12 hours after, ovulating. Any time after this is usually a waste of time and you will have to wait another month to try again if you miss these important days.

�Look After Yourself
It goes without saying that you should be healthy whether you are trying to conceive or not. However, it is especially important that you look after your body when you are trying for a baby and you should try and maintain a healthy weight. Women, who are either overweight or underweight, have more of a struggle to conceive. Additionally, taking a prenatal vitamin and folic acid every day is strongly recommended.

�Consider Alternative Methods
Many women opt for alternative methods such as acupuncture in order to solve infertility problems. There are also plenty of naturopathic clinics which deal with infertility.

Many women also take herbal remedies and vitamins in order to keep them in good health and many swear by them after they have become pregnant.

�Talk to a Specialist
It sometimes can take up to a year to conceive once you begin actively trying. However, if you have been trying for more than 12 months and have had no success, then it is advised that you visit an infertility specialist. They can offer advanced infertility treatments and provide possible solutions to your conception difficulties.

Overall, staying healthy is the best thing you can do to improve your chances of conceiving. As long as you eat the right foods, watch your weight and do regular exercise, you will be more likely to conceive with ease. There are a lot of old wives tales out there, but as long as you do your research and bear in mind that it could take up to a year to conceive, you should be fine. If you have any concerns or seek additional advice, your gynecologist will gladly answer any of your questions.

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