Life on the Road as a Full-Time RVer

Do you have ‘itchy feet’? Do you love to travel? Do you like to meet new people, see new places? Is your home too large now and are you tired of all the upkeep? Are you retired and want to get excited about a new adventure? Do you want a complete life change? To get away from the old grind? Do you long for some new excitement in your life?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, maybe you should consider life on the road in an RV. No longer is it just camping in a small, cramped trailer or camper. Now you can live a luxurious life on the road. Travel trailers, 5th-wheels and motor homes have now become truly ‘homes on the road’. These nice homes start from about $30,000.00 to over a million dollars!
My traveling partner and I looked at many types and sizes of RV’s before deciding on what we felt we could truly live in with room to spread out a bit. We found, for us, that we would need something that was at least 30′ (inside) with two nice slide-outs, mainly in the living-dining-kitchen area.
Slide-outs are what make the newer RV’s so much roomier than the old ones of past years. You can gain up three or four feet of extra width on EACH side with slide-outs. This space can really make a difference and open up the living, dining and bedroom areas to make you feel like you are in a regular home.
While we were searching for our perfect ‘fit’, we went from first wanting a class-C motor home to wanting a 36′ travel trailer. (We actually bought one, but it turned out to be a disaster. That a whole other story! It has to do with the truck we have with a hydraulic dumping bed that severely limited our turning radius, causing us to jack-knife at the slightest turn! The sales person kept assuring us it would work ‘just fine’. Like I said, a whole other story!)
Finally, we found and bought the perfect RV for us: A 36′ class A motor home with two super slides. We have lots of living and sleeping space and tons of storage with TWO big wardrobes-one for each of us! The two front seats swivel and recline to face the living area which has a third swivel chair, a nice sofa that makes into a bed, a dinette which also makes into a bed, and an entertainment center with television, stereo, and DVD. There is an open kitchen area with many cupboards and drawers and even a pantry in the kitchen, along with a double sink, range and oven, microwave and large refrigerator and flip up additional counter space. The bedroom has the two wardrobes, many, many drawers and cupboards and a built-in desk. The second TV is there too, and so is the separate roomy bathroom with bathtub, two large cabinets and ample counter space.
Now, doesn’t that sound as luxurious as a nice home? It truly is. There are some other added details, which contribute to the luxurious feeling too. We have a ‘soft’ ceiling – upholstered with a light, soft material that helps with sound control and just makes it feel cozier. It is a high ceiling too-over 6 ½ feet.
There is cherry wood throughout, surround sound stereo and TV, two air-conditioning units (the bedroom has its own separately controlled unit) and the usual cab air-conditioning. There are tinted windows to help prevent glare and there is very nice carpeting throughout with vinyl that looks just like tile in the entry, kitchen area and bathroom. Something that is very nice is that there are many light fixtures and electrical plugs in very handy places. Someone really thought this one out.
Now you may be thinking, that all sounds great, but we have so many things we would like to take with us. Well, you can. The ‘basement’ as it is called, has tons of storage room. The large compartments go through to the other side, allowing long, bulky objects to be reached from either side. There are also lights in the largest storage compartments to see what you are looking for.
Needs any more tempting? Well, it’s great and so freeing to lighten up and rid oneself of old, unnecessary and unneeded items. This is a great opportunity; too, to give these things to the people you would like to have them. Give special things to your children now, instead of having everyone divvy things up after you are gone. (And I do not mean gone on a road trip!). There’s no sadness connected with receiving these gifts now, especially for your children. They could probably use and really appreciate them now instead of when you’re gone.
More reasons? Why do the two of you (or maybe now it’s only you) still need that large home? Do you really enjoy all that housework and heavy yard work like you used to? How’s your back, hips, knees, feet, etc. etc. etc. holding up doing all those chores? RVing is freeing. The expenses you will have like gas (even at these horrible prices) and RV parks won’t cost as much as keeping a home going with the utilities and everything else involved.
Are you hooked yet? If this sounds like a good plan for you, get busy. Go through all your things, pare down and give, give, give away what you really do not need. Or, give it ALL away and start with brand new things. Even a new wardrobe for your new life. Free yourself, sell your home, use your proceeds to buy your new ‘home on wheels’ and live freely. Grab life, live and enjoy it now while you still can.