Magical Uses of Herbs

You’ll find that there are many household herbs that can aid you in magic.Used to make satchels, potions, teas and incense, herbs are essential to the success of any ritual. You’ll also find that many herbs have multiple uses and can achieve different goals. To concentrate on any herbs’ specific potential, visualize the power you wish to invoke emoting from the herb in whatever form you are using. Read the entries below to find out the magical properties of the most commonly used herbs.


Also Known as Pimento, Allspice is grown in the West Indies for its unripe berries that are later dried and ground for use. Allspice gets its name from its ability to bond the energies of other herbs.

Magical Uses : courage, healing, luck, and money

Astro Body: Mars

Element: Fire�¯�¿�½


Grown in the Mediterranean, Basil’s are dried and used commonly as seasoning. Basil is best used fresh for magical purposes, but dried will suffice.

Magical Uses : Exorcism, Love, Money, protection,

Astro Body: Mars

Element: Earth�¯�¿�½


Common in the West Indies, Cinnamon has been used worldwide throughout the course of history. Cinnamon comes from the ground bark of a tree who’s leaves are used in modern medicine.

Magical Uses : Health,Love, Lust, Money Protection, purification, spirituality

Astro Body: Sun

Element: Fire�¯�¿�½


First discovered by the Portuguese when they discovered the spice Islands, common use of the clove flower dates back to Roman times. Harvested before the flower opens, clove is known to have anti-septic properties

Magical Uses : Divinity ,Exorcism, Love, Lust, Money, Protection, clarity

Astro Body: Jupiter

Element: Fire�¯�¿�½


Ginger is such a popular herb that it know longer grows wild. Turmeric Root, one of the many species of Ginger, yields a yellow dye, while Cur cumin is a medicine used for treatment of the liver.

Magical Uses : Healing, Love, Lust, Money, power in magic,

Astro Body: Mars

Element: Earth�¯�¿�½


The name Heliotrope i a name used for any plant that aims its flower at the sun. The most commonly known Variety is called Valerian.

Valerian is a perennial herb who’s dried roots and rhizomes contain an active ingredient called Callosities, which can be used as a sedative.

Magical Uses : Exorcism, healing, money, in receiving prophetic dreams, clarity, spirituality

Astro Body: Sun

Element: Fire�¯�¿�½


An aromatic evergreen, Juniper is found over most of the northern hemisphere. Juniper trees found in western America have berry-like cones that were commonly used in Native American magic.

Magical Uses : Exorcism, healing, love, protection

Astro Body: Sun

Element: Fire�¯�¿�½


Lavender is a shrubby plant with either grayish foliage or blue and purple leaves. Lavender is found commonly in most parts of the Northern Hemisphere.

Magical Uses :Love, Peace, protection, purification

Astro Body: Mercury

Element: Air

Peppermint (mint)

A large family of annual herbs found primarily in the Mediterranean, peppermint is mostly used for its extract. When distilled the essential oil that comes from peppermint can be used as a stimulant.

Magical Uses :Exorcism, Healing, love, Lust, money, protection, clarity, purification,

Astro Body: Mercury

Element: Air


An evergreen tree found in most regions of the northern hemisphere, Pine trees reproduce via cone instead of flower and are the most adaptable plants to colder, dry regions. Pine trees have been in abundance since the Cenozoic period.

Magical Uses : Exorcism, healing, money, protection, purification

Astro Body: Mars



Roses have been popular in magical ritual, prose and song since prehistoric times. Most commonly found in the Northern temperate zones, the rose grows naturally in varied shades of red, white, yellow and pink. Pliny lists 32 medicines made from its petals and leaves.

Magical Uses : healing, Love, luck, to receive prophetic dreams, protection, clarity

Astro Body: Venus

Element: Water�¯�¿�½


Rosemary is a native herb of the Mediterranean. Its leaves have been commonly used for seasoning for many centuries

Magical Uses : Exorcism, Healing, love, lust, purification

Astro Body: Sun

Element: Fire


Sage is most commonly found in Southern Europe and Asia Minor. Its dried leaves have had many practical uses over the centuries including perfume, tea, seasoning and even hair rinse.

Magical Uses : Money, Protection, Spirituality

Astro Body: Jupiter

Element: Air�¯�¿�½


Sandalwood is an evergreen native to India with over 19 variants in the Hawaiian and other pacific Islands. Sandalwood is commonly used in Buddhist ceremonies. Red sandalwood can be used for dye.

Magical Uses : Exorcism, healing, protection, purification, spirituality

Astro Body: Sun

Element: Water�¯�¿�½


Found in the tropics of Africa and Asia, sesame oil resists turning rancid and is commonly in India for cooking, soap and medicine.

Magical Uses : Happiness, Lust

Astro Body: Mars

Element: Earth�¯�¿�½


Most common in Spain and France, thyme was used by the Greeks as a temple incense and produces an oil called thymine that can be used as an anti-fungal treatment.

Magical Uses : Courage, healing, love, clarity, purification

Astro Body: Mercury

Element: Water

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