
Unlike many products that are rushed to market because someone spots a trend and tries to quickly cash in on it, MonaVie’s entry into the Wellness arena came slowly and meticulously. Its creators spent many long months formulating MonaVie and making it palatable – knowing that only if it tasted good would people be likely to try it and thus discover its profound benefits.
The scientific team’s efforts were based upon and supported by more than two decades of nutritional science evolution related to the role of antioxidants and more recent years of discoveries about phytonutrients and the crucial roles they play in health.
The Medical Advisory Board agreed that a product that addressed chronic inflammation was MUCH needed and concurred that the use of fruits, glucosamine and a proprietary blend of fatty acids could target what has become a global health issue of pandemic proportions.
Balance, Moderation and Variety – Keys to Effectiveness
Fruits are an abundant source of many thousands of phytonutrients as well as at least 8 Vitamins and minerals – including Vitamin C which is known to be a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. According to Dr. Mary Ann Lila, University of Illinois, although the most publicized property of bioflavinoids is their antioxidant capacity, they also serve as anti-inflammatory agents.
Many of the 19 fruits selected for the MonaVie formula, starting with legendary Acai Berry from the Amazon Rainforest, have centuries-old traditions of being used as medicines by the indigenous people of their respective regions. More recent years of scientific research have validated the phytonutrient content and health benefits of these fruits. (Hippocrates was RIGHT!)
Because of the extremely powerful yet sensitive phytonutrients in the Acai Berry, MonaVie uses Acai as its headline ingredient – to keep intact all the health promoting characteristics of this wondrous fruit.
Most known phytonutrients are strongly linked to pigment, Mother Nature’s way of protecting botanicals from intense sunlight and other harsh conditions. Health experts today agree it is best to consume a color spectrum VARIETY of fruits to gain greatest advantage from their respective phytonutrients.
The fruits of MonaVie give us this spectrum: Acai Berry, pomegranate, white grape, nashi pear, acerola, pear, aronia, purple grape, cranberry, passionfruit, banana, apricot, prune, kiwi, blueberry, bilberry, camu camu, wolfberry and lychee.