Recycling for Money and Merchandise

Many people want to help the environment by recycling. In some states you can even get money to return glass and plastic bottles as well as the usual aluminum that all states recycle. But there are places you can get cash or merchandise for your ink jet cartridges and cell phones. The Funding Factory is a recycling program that will recycle ink cartridges and cell phones and give your group points toward cash or merchandise.

Here’s how it works, you sign up with Funding Factory and receive a kit including some signs and boxes. When the box is full you ship it off in their preaddressed, prepaid box using United Parcel Service to their location and get points. On their website in your account they have books, electronics and other merchandise you can get for those points or just take the cash those points are worth and use it for whatever you want.

There are some things you have to understand about this and know before you get into it, but the main thing about it, this is no scam or rip off. My wife works at a fairly large day care and the day care has signed up for this. Just the other day we ordered a Canon Power Shot Camera and rechargeable batteries for it. The battery charger for the batteries was out of stock but we will get the money that those points were not spent on for the charger and just go to Walmart and buy one. The points for this are not impossible to get and the more effort a group or business puts into it the more points you earn. It’s pretty easy to get the ink and laser printer cartridges and the cell phones come in pretty steady once people realize you’re doing this and the group or organization is getting things out of it as well as recycling for the environmental issues.

People want to recycle and often it is just a matter of it being a convenience or handy to accomplish. This is a way you can recycle and contribute to a group or organization such as Scouts, 4-H, athletic groups, classrooms and just about any other type of educational organization or non profit group. Another point is it has to be an educational or non profit organization that signs up and turns in the cell phones and ink cartridges. You have to go to their web site to see if your organization qualifies but many do if there a part of a school or a non profit organization. Businesses or other places can be collection spots as long as the one that is turning in the items for recycling are the educational and non profit organization. The collection boxes can be placed any where that an individual can keep an eye on it or collect it. Parents or members of the group or organization can have collection boxes at their work place or other business to help that organization.

It is an easy program and rewards the groups for collecting something that should be recycled anyway. Sure you can take your ink cartridges to Office Max or Office Depot but this way you can help the organization that is helping your kids. Recycling is a way to help the environment and make our community a cleaner place. You can do your part to help with recycling and earn merchandise for your non profit or educational organization by signing up for Funding Factory now. Go to Funding Factory here to sign up today:

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