Reviving Your Matted Berber Carpet

Berber rugs are a popular choice for homeowners looking to revamp their living room or bedroom areas. They are also popular for new homeowners who need to choose something to lie upon their newly built floors. Berber rugs are a good choice for many reasons. They are made from quality wool materials, have a modern look, and are uniquely textured. Berber rugs come in various colors and best of all, they are hypoallergenic. While the advantages to buying this type of carpet are very good, there is also a downfall to purchasing a Berber rug. These types of rugs become easily matted down in high traffic areas. If you have already purchased a Berber rug such as I have, and it is looking dingy in some areas, try out these tips to revive your carpet.

After only having the new carpet installed three years ago, the Berber in our house is already looking worn out and matted down in specific areas of our living room. The area that it is most dingy is where feet are placed while sitting on the couch. Annoyed by the ugliness of this area of our carpet, I was thinking of replacing our rug entirely. My husband disagreed and I had to explore other options to fix this matted carpet.

read online about a carpet rake that would help the crushed carpet pop back to life. The carpet should be used before you vacuum to lift the grounded carpet fibers and to loosen up any dirt that is matted down in the wool. After trying out my mother’s carpet rake on my Berber, it did help but did not exactly do the trick. The type of Berber that we have is made of small loops and is very hard to uplift back to its original appearance. That is when I tried using a fork. Because the area is small where the Berber is crushed down, I tried using a small metal fork to pull the wooly loops back in place. This worked very well on my carpet. I was able to pull of the matted Berber loops back into their original place and did not ruin my carpet. Because of the loops, you should be careful not to get the fork stuck within the loops and pull out the rug. Gently using the fork to pick up the fibers will create your carpet to look new again.

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