Six Easy Small Bathroom Storage Ideas for Under $100

Everyone can use a little more bathroom storage. While there are many routes you can go, I always prefer the easiest, fastest, and least expensive. Nothing is better than instant gratification. Here are some tips for inexpensive storage ideas for your bathroom. I found some online and others at local stores. With a little research you should be able to easily buy the same products.

1. Clear Plastic Shoebox Tubs – I have somewhat limited cabinet storage space and quite a lot of products I like to keep in the bathroom. I found that using stackable clear containers meant for shoes is the perfect way to maximize my storage space. The most important thing to remember is to organize your storage bins. Use one for first aid products, one for soap, and so forth. I measured my space and found that I could fit five storage containers under my bathroom counter if I bought three in one size and two in a slightly shorter version. They fit perfectly. Each plastic bin cost about 99 cents.

The best feature about this cheap bathroom storage is that you don’t even have to label the boxes. I placed a box of band-aids in the front of my first aid box, a bar of soap in the front of the next and so forth. Now, all I have to do is glance in the cabinet and I know which box to grab.

2. Instant Shelves – I saw this product on one day. They are some small chrome shelves that rest in existing towel bars. I though it was genius. My bathroom has the world’s tiniest medicine cabinet and no other shelving. I do have a couple unused towel bars thought. The instant chrome shelving come in 12 packs for about $100. Here is the link, you will be left with enough shelves for every bathroom in your home. Their complete name is instant bathroom shelf.

3. Hooks – These are a lifesaver in any small bathroom. They are cheap and easy to install. I have a row of hooks that simply install by hanging over the bathroom door. Because I have no wall space I needed as many places to hang a towel on the back of my door as possible. You can find these over the door hooks at stores like Target, Wal-Mart, and Bed Bath and beyond, and Linens and Things. Generally speaking they cost less than $10, but are priceless when you consider the amount of storage they provide.

4. Shower Curtains With Pockets – This may not be the most beautiful bathroom storage, but if you are desperate it will work. You can place anything from bottles of soap to sea sponges in the pockets and have easy access. You can make it look good by displaying fun bathroom items. I recommend displaying your back up items that you don’t need to use any time soon. You can find these online at for about $50 and adult versions at .

5. Decorative stacking boxes – These are perfect for the storage on top of back of the toilet. This is always a wasted space in most bathrooms. In a small bathroom though it is a great opportunity for a little décor and storage at the same time. Buy a stack of three boxes that will add some design to your bathroom. Brown wicker or printed boxes look great. Make sure you can’t see through them so you don’t have to worry about what is inside. Sites like and www.bedbathandbeyond have huge selections of affordable good looking storage boxes.

6. Ok, the final inexpensive bathroom storage idea. Hang baskets from your existing towel bars. You can go the Ikea route or even use wicker baskets tide on with accent ribbon that matches your bathroom. Ikea sells simple metal rods with metal hanging baskets for about $1.99 a piece. They are in the kitchen section, but who is to say you can’t use them in a small bathroom. These storage baskets are the perfect way to get the hair dryer off of your counter top. Put everyday items that need to be quickly reached into these baskets. Your bathroom will look great and you might even be able to use the counter now!

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