Spanish Language Television Shows on the More Common in America

In order to understand the rise in globalization pertaining to languages and cultures, one must look at the expansion of television programs and services in the English, Spanish, and Portuguese languages. Even some of the most remote areas use television as a means of communication. Specifically in the regions of the Spanish and Portuguese, certain media companies have risen and are able to show the massive markets for which they produce.

The most relevant case of language usage in television is the Spanish language. This language is the mother dialect in some twenty countries in Latin America. No other language is spoken in as many countries as this national language. The Portuguese situation is quite different in that all of the people speaking Portuguese are in one country, Brazil. Since the Portuguese language is only the mother dialect in Brazil, there are fewer television markets and the markets are smaller and more restricted. Amazingly enough, Brazil has the largest amounts of televisions in households throughout the country.
Another Spanish speaking country that has a large amount of television production is Mexico. They have the second largest amount of televisions per household; there are over 2.2 million televisions in the country of Mexico. This goes to show you how much the Spanish speaking countries rely/depend on television. Along with television, one must look at the different aspects of culture in Latin America.

The historical differences in language and culture are given official recognition in Latin America. They partake in more cultural combinations and adaptations, which have taken place in the course of creating these nations. For example, Mexico mixes the culture of the Hispanic native peoples with the Spanish conquerors, which allows for language mixing. Another example of the cross-cultural mixing is Brazil. In order for citizens to build their culture and heritage they have taken the different histories, which include the slaves of Bahia, the Amazon people, and immigrants from Japan and Europe. With the vast increase of people within Latin America, the intellectual modernists have given the area its hybridists, however ethnic mixing is celebrated through entertainment and news.

The main reasoning behind the television becoming an institution in Latin America focuses on the influence of the United States as well as entrepreneurs in Latin America. The influence that Latin America has had on America, mainly the government and the television networks, provides for the increase in television in Latin America. Some of the countries that have branched out to create large television networks include Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, and Peru. In Mexico and Brazil the emergence of privatization and deregulation has arrived with the embracement of globalization. This takes place due to the free trade blocs, in particular the NAFTA in 1993. The television has allowed for the cross culture of each nation to take place, and each nation has a better understanding and knowledge of the cultures of places in Latin America as well as the world.

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