Stroke: Risk Factors and Signs

In the US, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, over 700,000 strokes occur every year. Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the number one cause of serious long-term disabilities such as paralysis and speech and thought problems.
There are several risk factors:
– Hypertension (high blood pressure)
– Smoking
– Excess weight and obesity
– Diabetes
– Excessive use of alcohol
A person having a stroke may show these signs:
– Sudden confusion
– Difficulty speaking or answering
– Limited vision in one eye or in both eyes
– Severe headache with no known cause
– Dizziness or loss of balance and coordination
– Numbness or weakness of the arm, leg, or face especially on one side of the body
– Difficulty in swallowing
– Sudden nausea, vomiting, or fever
– Unconsciousness
What to do if you suspect someone is having a stroke:
Do not hesitate. Call 911 immediately.
Treatments vary depending on the phase. During the Pre-stroke phase, you can reduce risk factors by quitting smoking, reducing weight, and controling high blood pressure and diabetes. During the stroke, it is imperative to stop the bleeding or to break up the clot so that blood can flow to the brain. There are several medications that can help this process which necessitates being treated at the hospital. In the Post -stroke phase, rehabilitation therapies are utilized.
Stroke is serious and can be deadly so it is imperative to reduce your risk factors and recognize the signs of a stroke. The National Insitute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke offers free pamphlets focusing on this topic at their website (