Ten Blogs About Arthritis – How Blogs Can Help You Deal With The Disease

Arthritis is believed to affect almost 1/3 of the adult population of the United States in some for or the other, but it is not just an adult’s disease, it affects children also. You do not just have to live with the pain. There are many different types of treatment available form traditional medications, to natural cures, to joint replacement surgery. It is important to learn about and understand everything possible in order to make an informed decision on a course of treatment. One of the best ways to get information on any subject is to go to a blog, which is simply an interactive web site with information on a particular subject, that you can interact with by posting comments and asking questions. It is one of the best ways to make contact with others who have the same interests, or in this case the same affliction. It gives you the opportunity to interact with others and share information. I hope these blogs listed here will be of some help and start you on your r web journey to find the information you need good Luck.

WebMD: Better Information. Better Health. Arthritis Blog
The first article is one of great importance to arthritis sufferers. It is a review of a new medical procedure called Hip Resurfacing, If you are considering surgery, read this first. There is a lot of good information on joint replacement. It is becoming more and more popular when medications no longer help. There have been a lot of advances in recent years that make joint replacement much more comfortable, with less recovery time.

Arthritis Central Arthritis Blog
This Arthritis Blog is maintained by a Doctor and contains many important articles. Start with the article”Do I Have Arthritis” and keep on going down the list. There is a very interesting story about what happens when a Doctor Plays video games before he performs surgery.

Arthritis Blog
This arthritis blog starts off with a very informational article on osteoarthritis. It also explains in plain English the definitions of the different types of arthritis.

Jean Sebastien Pradel Arthritis Blog
This blog focuses on arthritis of the hand. There are articles such as “Ways to Control Osteoarthritis” and “:Nutritional Supplements That Can Help Prevent Osteoarthitis” Stop buy and leave a comment or two.

BioPeer Arthritis Blog

This blog has an article about a new treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. It also contains links to web sites for further information. You can leave a comment.

Pharmacy Prescriptions.com Arthritis Blog

This blog has an important article regarding the side effects of prescription medications. It is an important read, and something you should discuss with your doctor before beginning treatment.

Time On Line Edition Arthritis Blog
This blog, from Time Magazine, has an interesting article on infectious arthritis, arthritis that is spread by infected mosquitoes.

Arthritis Lady’s Amazing Secrets To Fantastic Health
This arthritis blog is written by a sufferer and contains information on nutritional supplements and the importance of food in helping in the cure of arthritis. Also, there is a personal story.

Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment Arthritis Blog
This blog is devoted to an alternative method of dealing with arthritis called
Osteopathy, which is a hands on treatment.

The Disabled Worker Arthritis Blog
This blog is by a disability lawyer and has important information on how to get qualified for disability due to arthritis, It is an important read. You can post comments or ask questions.

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