There is Something that Google Cannot Do

There’s a lot to love about Google. As a toys trader, I can easily find myself using it a hundred times a day to update market leads or industrial information. Google’s success is undeniable. Who among us hasn’t Googled?

But remember, there are some search engines that can do things Google can’t. Blasphemy, you say? No at all. Though Google’s great, it has a long way to go. The greatest challenge I think is so called ‘Deep Web’, which means data that can’t be crawled, not because it’s in pages that the spiders can’t recognize, but because it doesn’t exist in static page form, or because it’s hidden behind authentication screens. An example is the search for civil litigation records that I always do in order to identify whether my new customers or suppliers have got involved into any law suits and thus minimize my business risks. To get to it, I could do nothing but to pay hefty fees to the service providers like Dun & Bradstreet and US Search.

However, is the first site that I am aware of that allows their members to make access to the civil litigation database to search for what they need for FREE. Indeed, it’s very helpful for the import and trading firms like mine. Don’t misunderstand, I’m not a spammer for or other search engines. I just want to point out a fact that there are many things that Google can do that others can’t. But to get the most out of the Internet we need to make sure there are many different tools on our screens and that means being aware of what some search engines can do that others can’t.

Anyway, as a dedicated user of Google, I love Google Maps and Picasa so much. I’m also looking forward to Google’s free entry into ‘Deep Web’!

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