Tips and Tricks for Morning Sickness

If you’re pregnant for the first time, or a seasoned pro, morning sickness is a symptom that affects anywhere from fifty to ninety percent of pregnant women. As most women are well aware, the “morning” part is a misnomer, as it can occur at any time of the day and can put a damper on this exciting time. Unfortunately, there is no one sure cause for morning sickness, though it seems to be caused by the chemical changes going on in your body turning pregnancy. Regardless of the causes, everyone is looking some solution to ease the morning sickness. But there is no one ultimate solution for morning sickness. As mothers of more than one child often learn, what works with one pregnancy will not work with the next. Not all of these morning sickness remedies will work for you, but there’s sure to be one that will ease your restless stomach.

Heat can increase nausea, so avoid warm places. Get plenty of sleep at night and take naps during the day as tiredness plays a big part. In the morning, get out of bed slowly. Try to eat plain crackers or dry cereal before you get out of bed.

Even if you normally love the smell of certain foods, certain smells can set off that nausea. When cooking, open windows and turn on exhaust fans. If possible, use the microwave as cooking in the microwave produces less odors. If you can’t get away from the smell that’s affecting you, a handkerchief with just a few drops of an essential oil with a scent that doesn’t cause nausea. Breath into the handkerchief to help ease your nausea.

When eating, eat what you want when you want it. Your cravings will not steer you wrong. Try to avoid greasy or spicy foods, as they can increase nausea and heartburn. Eat smaller meals every two hours or so, and have frequent protein snacks. Cold foods also have less nausea-inducing smells. If you’re having trouble making it through a meal, eat something salty before each meal and do not drink fluids with a meal.

Drinking small amounts throughout the day of teas without caffeine, such as a peppermint or ginger tea can help calm nausea and help to avoid dehydration.

Talk to your doctor about supplements, such as vitamin B6 and ginger, to help ease your nausea. Ask about not taking iron supplements unless you are anemic, as iron supplements can be hard for your stomach to take. Also, you might ask your doctor if you can stop taking prenatal vitamins temporarily to see if the nausea diminishes. You might still need to take a Folic Acid supplement. You might also try taking your prenatal vitamins later in the day.

There are also many products available on the market for morning sickness relief. Accupressure bands that worn on the wrist have a specially placed bead at the pressure point that presses on the point to help calm nausea. Vitamin B-6 enriched lozenges and lollipops are some of the latest in a series of candies created to help with morning sickness (and could also satisfy a sweet tooth!). Products containing ginger in a wide variety of forms – from candy to tea, are a top seller. There are even CDs said to host a blend of music, pulses, and frequencies to help cure the symptoms of morning sickness!

With all of the available remedies, tips, and tricks out there for expectant mothers, there is sure to be a treatment to work well for you.

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