Tips for Winter Hair

�¯�¿�½It is that time of the year, again. The cold wind is beginning to blow. The furnaces is running at full speed inside our houses and offices. All of these changes are pulling more moisture out of our hair and is just making it harder to manage.

But you can take steps to keep your hair from becoming dry. You can also make changes to your style to keep your hair from becoming tangled as you have to wear endless layers of clothing.

First, lets talk dryness. It seems like hair dryness is the number one complaint most people have about their hair. Everyone knows they should condition more in the winter months, but what else can you do.

Check the conditioner you are using., One conditioner is not the same as the next. You should use shampoos, conditioner and other hair styling products that that contain humectants such as protein and panthenol. Humectants will help trap the water into your hair.

When you have the time and are conditioning your hair at home, take a break from that blow dryer. Instead of using a blow dryer, after conditioning, wrap your hair up in a warm towel or wear a plastic shower cap. Leave your hair up like this for ten or so minutes, then wash the conditioner out of your hair and allow your hair to air dry.

If you have to use a blow dryer or a curling iron, think about buying some of the new products made for protecting your hair from heat damage.

If your hair is exceptionally dry, you may want to try a hot oil treatment on it. During the cold months you may want to do this once a month.

You should also watch about wearing wool hats and scarves. If they rest on your hairline the wool fibers can cause your hair to dry and even break.

Keeping your ends trimmed is something you should do all year. But in the winter you want to become religious about this task. If your ends gets dry, they can split and the split can work their way up your hair shaft.

Of course, if you have oily hair or partially oily hair, you don’t want to use a heavy conditioner. It will just make your hair more oily and cause it to lay limp. But you still need to condition. Buy a lighter conditioner, made for daily use. Occasionally, condition your entire hair. Other times, just condition the ends of your hair.

Another problem you can have with your hair in the winter is tangling. Wearing coats and jackets cause the hair to tangle when it is long or shoulder length, especially when you are wearing it straight down. This is not only an inconvenience. But tangling can cause your hair to break and it this not a look anyone wants. For this reason, many women will be wearing the usual high ponytail and single braids.

After a while, these two styles can get boring. Maybe you should experiment with your hair and wear it in other up do styles. For a different look, try the supplicated braid. If you want to try this style you first should wash and condition your hair. Then allow it to dry naturally if you have the time. After it dries, pull your hair back in a long ponytail at the nape of your neck. Divide a long strand wide enough for braiding from remainder of ponytail. Set aside. Create a simple bun a little about nape of neck and secure with pins. Braid the section your set aside and secure with thin ponytail holder, preferably the same color as your hair. Twist the braided section around the bun and secure with pins to hold in place. Your done. Your hair is out of your way and looks nice, too.

You should also experiment with different barrettes, clips and pins to come up with own signature look for winter, to keep your hair tangle free. Doing this and by taking other small steps your hair will brave the winter looking even better for that first breath of spring.

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