Where to Find a Language School

�· Businesses are expanding their operations on a global basis,
�· International travel has increased dramatically
�· An increased interest in foreign cultures has arisen
�· People are moving to new lands and cannot speak the native language
With this increased globalization comes a need to learn a new language. Executives and business travelers need to converse in the native language. Tourists get by easier by conversing in the native language. And, new residents have an easier transition to their new land’s native language by conversing in it. So, where does one turn to find a good language school?
The first language school that comes to mind has been around since 1878. It seems everyone has heard of Berlitz. With over 450 centers located in 60 countries, this language school has something for everyone wanting to learn a language. Berlitz offers programs for kids, adults, and even corporations. Berlitz language guides and books can be picked up at any bookstore. Their CD’s are very useful tools to learn a new language with. Visit them online at www.berlitz.com for more information.
For those wanting to learn English as a second language, English At Home is for you. This site has a free newsletter you can subscribe to. There also are online forums and games the language learner can partake of. Students can learn English for free on this site. They can even take tests to see how well they are learning the language. There are sections on tenses and verbs along with speaking tests. This is a great way to attend a language school. Visit their website at www.english-at-home.com for more information.
For the business person wanting to improve their English language skills, www.theEnglishWeb.com is for you. Owned by the same owner of www.english-at-home.com, this site will help the business person in their English skills. The site offers an online business writing language school. The site also offers a section on English text editing. There is a fee for the language school. There is no fee for the text editing section. The purpose of this site is to help others obtain better business English.
Another source for free online English language lessons is found at English Page. Students can have weekly lessons and mini-tutorials while learning English at home. There are sections on verb tenses, a grammar book, and a vocabulary section available online. Students can attend this language school while enjoying a reading room also. To help with the pleasure of learning a language, there are games. There are many more features available in this language school online. Visit them at www.englishpage.com for more information.
Still looking around for a language school? Are you in New York City? Try www.learnenglish.com. Here potential students can read what is available in their native language while attending school in New York City. Students can learn English, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, etc. There is a wealth of information available at this language school. Check it out.
Another source to turn to for a language school is found at www.language-learning.net. With a listing of over 10,000 language schools in 115 countries, this directory has a wealth of information students need. Offering classes in 88 languages, there is sure to be something here everyone could use. Free language information online includes an encyclopedia, dictionary, thesauri, and grammar guide – amongst other offerings. In addition to language schools, one can find boarding schools on this site. Of course, there are other features students would enjoy. Simply visit their site and partake!
There are many more online sites available offering language schools. Simply use ‘language schools’ in your search. You are bound to find something to your liking.
Another language school available is continually seen advertised on television. Sylvan Learning Centers is known for helping younger students improve their language skills. They concentrate on younger students, though. They are listed in your local phone directory. Or, visit Sylvan online at www.sylvan.com for more information.
For those not online, or having access to a computer, local communities are always offering language schools. Classes are held through adult education centers, senior centers, parks and recreations, etc. Community centers are traditionally known as popular places for a language school to be held. Check your local listing of community events.
If you cannot find any language school or class offered, simply call your local Chamber of Commerce. These businesses are there to help you and may be a wealth of information.
Check with your favorite bookstore. These venues are usually aware of local happenings and can refer you. They may also know of local residents who teach English.
Libraries are another source of information about language schools in your area.
They specialize in their native language and know the intricacies of where to find information. Ask your librarian for assistance with your quest of a new language.
There are numerous sources for find a language school and this article touches on only a few. Learning a new language is hard enough. Finding a qualified and competent language school may seem daunting, but it just requires patience. Stick with it and the pleasures of a new language will be yours. Good luck!