Youth Compulsive Gambling Addiction Problems

Surprisingly with the media and advances in technology, gambling is becoming more popular especially with youths. Youths like the ones in the Chicago Tribune article are starting to gamble at a very young age and many are doing it illegally. However, one problem that seems to be arising is that youth gambling addictions are occurring in institutions such as schools. People may wonder who or what is influencing these youth into a gambling problem or addiction. This proposal will examine compulsive behavior like gambling and how youth respond and are affected by it.
Gambling is a major problem and addiction in the United States. The U.S. census bureau states that in the year 2002 there were 65,915 gaming establishments in the nation and that the revenue was $75,010,469 for one year. These large numbers indicates that gambling is very popular in the United States and that many individuals spend a lot of their money and time to participate in this addictive activity. The book “Win or Lose: A social History of Gambling in the U.S.” notes many significant historical happenings with the gambling phenomenon. In 1976, a national study commission found that 77% of American adults were pathological gamblers (Longstreet, c 1977). This percentage of pathological gamblers in the U.S. can support the fact that gambling addictions are a huge health problem in society. In 1996 President Clinton even acknowledged the fact that it was a problem by signing H.R. 497 which made the gambling impact and policy commission act to investigate gambling in America (Longstreet, c 1977). Gambling is a big problem in U.S. society because it is widely advertised and is legalized in 21 states (Longstreet, c 1977). Many organizations like Gamblers Anonymous are worried about gambling addictions in all age groups especially in youth.
The book, “Born to Lose: Memoirs of a compulsive gambler” reflects the consequences of gambling from the perspective of a compulsive gambler. The author Bill Lee acknowledges that gambling is a huge problem for him and the general public (Lee, c2005). Gambling addictions can start as early as childhood from simply wagering baseball cards in third grade to other activities that involve games and chance (Lee, c2005). Gambling in the United States is perceived as a more positive connotation then as negative like other addictions that include: drinking alcohol and drug use. Therefore, because gambling is not acknowledged as a negative problem an individual especially like a child or youth may be more prone in becoming addicted.
The book, Teenagers and compulsive gambling discuss how youth are more likely to become compulsive gamblers (Watts c1994). Society advertises gambling as a reward to children rather then imposing the negative financial situations and addictions. Institutions like schools and colleges may be actually influencing children and youths to gamble. Teenagers can be easily influenced and have a higher percentage of having addictive behaviors (Watts c1994).