Appropriate Sympathy Email

Everyone faces adversaries and hardships in life and being a good human being you have to share the grief of others by expressing your sympathies on their losses. You can simply write an email to the person who is facing some trouble in his life because of a heart-rending incident.

You can start your email with greetings. Then, express you concerns on the loss of the person and show your compassion for him. You don’t to prolong your email by telling long stories. Just keep it concise and end it on a sympathetic note.


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    Sample of Appropriate Sympathy Email

    Subject: Sympathy email on your divorce

    Dear Tom,

    Hope you are enjoying good health. I have just received the sad news of your divorce and I am writing this email to express my sympathies on this hard time.

    I am extremely sorry I could not write to you earlier as I was busy with shifting my house to downtown. You have always been very kind and compassionate towards your family and especially to your wife. I know that you have made a lot of compromises to prolong your marriage for your kids, but unfortunately had to end. I wouldn’t pass any comments on your wife. However, I will advise you to be strong as you have to take care of your kids now.

    You children need a lot of attention from you for their grooming. So, try to overcome your sorrow as soon as possible in order to take care of your children. If you need any kind of help from me or my family, we are always there to help you.

    Please convey my love to your children and take good care of yourself.

    Yours Truly,


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    Template of Appropriate Sympathy Email
    To: [email address of the recipient]

    Subject: [Sympathy email on your divorce]

    Dear [name of receiver],

    Hope you are fine. I just got to know about your divorce, it is indeed very sad news and I want to express my sympathies on this occasion.

    Please accept my apologies as I could not write to you earlier. I was out of town for some days. I advise you to stay strong in this hard time and take care of your kids as they need you the most now.

    Give my love to your kids and take care of yourself.


    [Your name]

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