Difference Between iPhone and iPod Touch

The Apple iPhone and iPod have come a long way since they first emerged at the turn of the century. The iPod was initially released by Apple before the iPhone came into existence and like the iPhone now, the iPod was also a revolutionary way of listening to music.

It is believed that those at Apple wanted to stay in the field of music, but when they thought of incorporating it into a phone, the iPhone was born. The latest of the two are certainly much more advanced that they originally were and for many people, it is hard to tell the two apart now because both come with large touch screens and pretty much look the same as well.

The biggest difference that the iPhone and the iPod touch have is that the former also has capabilities of making phone calls, while the latter may look the same but is prioritized for listening to music. The iPod touch can also only access the internet through the use of WiFi networks, while the iPhone has the ability to use communication networks like 3G and now 4G.

Camera is also another major factor. The latest iPhone carries a camera of 8 megapixels while the one in iPod touch is a lot smaller, with less capacity. iPod touch also does not come equipped with flash for the camera unlike the iPhone.

What the iPod does have over the iPhone is that it comes packed with a lot more memory because it is meant to be a device which is used for a lot more media storage and access as compared to the iPhone.

Price is another big difference between the two. iPhone is much more expensive than the iPod, and definitely will always remain so because of the iPhone being a phone and not just a device to play games, watch video and listen to music.


  • 1

    Apple iPhone

    The Apple iPhone is one of the biggest players in the mobile phone market now and has been for years. It is currently in its fifth generation and has come a long way from being a small sized player in the business.

    Image Courtesy: sargodha.saintclassified.pk

  • 2

    Apple iPod

    Apple has made the iPod to look a lot like the iPhone, but has kept it in production for music junkies that want a long running battery for all their media needs.

    Image Courtesy: supplies1.bugs3.com

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