Difference Between the KJV and the NKJV

King James Version and New King James Version are two types of bibles which were written in two eras but many people who follow religion think little about the main difference between these two holy books. The manuscripts which were written in 1600’s King James era and the later with the advancement of English language, the New King James Version came out. The New King James Version helped to put the English language in to use for readability. Having slight difference between these two manuscripts, many people relate most of the things in a similar manner as these two books are the same.


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    King James Version:

    Some say that King James Version is more precise than New King James Version and it is also the main difference between these two manuscripts. People with little understanding of the English language sometimes get confused to understand the true meaning of what is being said in the book. You also need to understand that King James Version is written upon Alexandrian manuscripts. You can also get very precise information regarding different set of actions in that period. Many also believe that it is still not a reliable source to get information regarding Alexandrian manuscripts. Many followers of King James Version did not accept the quality of translation which was done in many other languages. It was all together rejected by the King James Version followers.

    - Image Courtesy: bibledesignblog.com

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    New  King James Version:

    On the other hand, the New King James Version was written as relatively a good translation for almost the complete structure of the Bible. In those days, translations were not popular and whenever a good translation comes, people get help to understand their religion. Partially written as a new translation for the Bible, the New King James Version received popularity in little time as well. Though you cannot say or perhaps make out an idea that it did not show the more liberal aspects of the Bible but many after the arrival of New King James Version though that now they also have another perspective to think about it with more validity. With the arrival of more modern thoughts and interpretation of the religion, you can say that people started to think more positively over the proximity of religion and with the book itself.  Many King James Version followers rejected New King James Version, but with the passage of time, it all vanished away and now both books are highly regarded in Western society.

    - Image Courtesy: examiner.com

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