Great Breakfast Ideas for Kids

Despite being heavily technology oriented, there is no gadget that can get kids to have breakfast once they have decided that they do not want to. This is a problem that is faced in almost every household of every country, third-world or the first does not matter. Investing time and effort is all it will take to get your kids to the breakfast table each morning without even any insistence.
When we walk into a restaurant, there are easily ten other elements that get us to order something than just the food or the hunger. Food is one of the rare things that can tempt through more than just one sense, sight, smell and taste, each one plays a vital role.
You will have to do no less than changing and considering your dining area or the breakfast table in the kitchen as ‘a home restaurant’. If you have the table in the kitchen that would serve the purpose better as the smelling sense will instantly play its role.
So let us go through some steps which will act as a magnet for your kids to get to the breakfast table each morning without any rifts and rows early in the morning. And guess what, they will no longer get late for the school!!
You will have to work around with the resources that are available to you. For instance, in order to create an ambiance, put on their favourite cartoon movie, but make sure that they have seen all of it before otherwise they will never get up from in front of it.
Depending on the age of your kids, fill the place with some of their favourite cartoon character stuffed toys and also put their favourite wall papers around. Make them ‘feel Disneyland at home’. Be careful about not going over board because they need to go to school too and not stay glued to the breakfast table.
Making them eat might not be very easy, but keeping track of their favourites should not be an issue. Play around with their favourite foods. For example, there is hardly any kid who will be able to say no to chocolate, so do not keep the table deprived of some easy chocolate croissants.
Keeping in mind their favourite fruits when baking can become life saviours, for instance after baking a batch of buns, you can top them with thinly sliced banana and melted brown sugar.
Nothing can make them happier.