Applying For Venezuela Tourist Visit Visa from Paris

The South American country of Venezuela is well known for its strong minded president and its vast oil reserves. However, there is a lot more to the country for French tourists to explore other than politics and business. The country has an interesting location and contains different types of landscapes. This allows tourists from France to experiences waterfalls, dense jungles, deserts and beaches all in one country. Popular tourist spots include Angel Falls in the Guiana Highlands, Canaima National Park, Los Roques, Los Llanos and Mérida and its breathtaking Andes scenery.

Ambassade Vénézuela

Location: 11 Rue Copernic, 75116 Paris, France
Contact: +33 1 45 53 29 98
Visit Ambassade Vénézuela website


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    Visa free entry

    French nationals do not need to apply for a visa to enter Venezuela.

    International travelers will only require the DEX-2tourist card which is available from the transportation company you will be using. The card allows you a 90 day stay.

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    Visa requirements

    a) A completed application form. Click here to download the form.
    b) A passport that is valid for a minimum of six months.
    c) Two passport size color photograph.
    d) an Employment letter that gives the details of your job, tenure at company and salary.
    e) A proof of funds will be required. Your latest bank statement is a good choice.
    f) The fee for the visa is 22 Pounds, which is approximately 26.5 Euro

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    Applying for Visa

    An application for a Venezuelan visa can be done by either by post or in person.


    With the completed application, send your document using a Recorded delivery service to the following address. The phone number can be used to track the application or get more details.

    Sección Consular de la Embajada de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela en Francia
    Location: 8, impasse Kleber, 75116 Paris
    Contact: +1 45 53 71 27

    In Person

    Call the embassy to book an appointment and time. you can deliver all your documents, passport, application and payment to the personnel at the embassy.

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    Processing times and fees

    The embassy issues a one year multiple entry visa after seven business days. The fees for the visa are 22 pounds or 26.5 Euro.

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    Receiving Visa

    If you have mailed the application, you will receive the passport by courier. However, in case of an application in person, you will need to return tot he embassy once they contact you to get a hold of your passport. It is a good idea to call the embassy to check on the status of the entry permit before you go.

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    Document checklist

    a) Valid passport.
    b) Two color photograph.
    c) Employment letter.
    d) Proof of funds.

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