How to Assemble a First Aid Kit for Cats

Just as people keep first aid kits in their car, at workplace and homes, it is essential that they must have first-aid kits for their pets too. So, if you love having cats at your home, then you should know that the first-aid kit for cats can really help you, especially when you are not able to take them instantly to the veterinarian. For that purpose, you do not need to purchase a complete first-aid kit from the market. In fact, you can make at yourself, by assembling some of the basic tools required.
First of all, you will need a container for your first-aid kit. The container should be big enough to carry your items. In the meantime, it should also be sturdy and water resistant. Plastic boxes are the best options to opt for.
Purchase sharp pointed tweezers. It is preferable to have sharp pointed tweezers, as it can be used in areas where other tweezers may not reach easily. Moreover, the sharp one will also help in picking up any insect from the skin easily.
Also place a rectal thermometer in your first-aid kit for cats. Here, you should try preferring any digital version of the rectal thermometer, as it is easy to read digital readings.
Place small scissors with blunt ends, which will help you in cutting your cat’s hair, tape, bandages etc. The small ones will also save container’s space.
Rolled sterile gauze, surgical tape and sterile gauze pads will come handy if your cat suffers any wound. In such case, you can install apply bandage using these tools. In addition to that, you will need Hydrogen Peroxide or antiseptic cleaner to clean out wounds.
Place a small bottle of sterile eyewash solution. Here, you can also use the same type of solution used for humans.
To make your cats heal from insect stings, you will be required to apply hydrocortisone ointment on their skin. So, you can also include hydrocortisone ointment in your first-aid kit for cats.
Apart from all the tools you require, you should also write down your veterinarian’s phone number on a piece of paper and place it in the first-aid kit along with any other medical reports of your cat. Here, you should always try to keep this information in a waterproof packet.