How to Avoid Feeling Drowsy After Lunch

A nap seems so inviting after having a delicious lunch. Many of us would love to have that luxury but rarely any one gets the chance to doze off. It would be great if all of us work with the same productivity after the lunch break. The sleepiness is because of a multiple factors including the kind of food you consume, your sleeping pattern etc. if you feel sleepy daily, follow these simple steps to fight the drowsiness.


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    Do not forget the first meal of the day. It gives you energy throughout the day. Choose healthy food like fruits, cereal, yogurt, whole grains etc. This way you will be less compelled to pick unhealthy food at lunch time, in turn increasing your productivity. Healthy breakfast also reduces stress which is another factor which will keep you active. Try to understand the type of foods you eat and its effect. Different foods can either increase energy or decrease it. When its lunch time; avoid foods with high sugar content as they will release insulin and send a message to your brain. This makes you feel sluggish. The amount of sleep you had the night before will also increase the sleepiness

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    Another habit to get a grip on is the intake of caffeine. The caffeine gives you a temporary boost but the energy that comes in, leaves the body just as quickly. People get so addicted to it that they keep having it throughout the day to stay active. Make better choices; start trading at least one cup of coffee with green tea. It has much lower caffeine content, is good for your health and will keep you alert.

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    What better solution than taking the help of nature to fight drowsiness. Take a walk as the natural air will give you energy. It will also change the view around you which will help in getting active. Instead of relying on coffee and energy drinks, go outside and take a stroll in the garden. If you cannot go outside the office, do some yoga or simple exercise poses inside.

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    The environment is also a big factor in making you feel sleepy. If you are bored or have a monotonous routine, you are more likely to feel sleepy. Try to make your cubicle bright by adding a flower vase, colourful sticky notes, bright curtains etc. if your surroundings are colourful, they will stimulate positive energy and help in staying awake.

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