How to Cite Sources in a Speech

Delivery of speech is different from presenting a paper of a written document, because in written material you can cite sources from which you have taken information in a number of formats and styles. In oral presentation or speech, you have to take special care while citing sources, but it is necessary to give credit to the source on which you have relied on during your speech. For example, you could mention a writer like this: as Shakespeare wrote in his play Romeo and Juliet (follow it by the actual quote). Similarly you can cite a newspaper as your source. For example, you may say The New York Times in January 3rd issue wrote that…, and then give the original material printed in the newspaper.

Do not even imagine that you can cite someone else’s work in your speech and you can get away without your audience knowing it. It is plagiarism and if someone else quotes you in a speech after yours, you will be responsible for violation of copyright rules. It is also against ethics and norms of speech and a orator can feel themself at the lowest ebb of their morality, and might feel embarrassment in front of their audience. To avoid embarrassment, a speaker must cite sources in the speech.


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    Quotation From A Book

    In your speech if you cite some information from a book, you should give complete name of the book title and name of the author. Sometimes you may also give specific page number. For example, you may say "Mr XYZ, the author of ABC of Style said,and I quote that," and then you narrate exactly what the writer has written in their book.

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    Direct Quotation of Person

    If you cite some words that a known person has once said, but they are not from a written source, you can say "As great boxer ABC puts it," and say what he says changes in modern boxing rules.

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    Citation from Periodicals

    If you are taking some information from a printed magazine or newspaper, you should name the title of the magazine and if possible the date/month of its issues. For example, you may say "ABC of Style magazine in its January issue wrote," and narrate exactly what the magazine had written. The same goes for newspaper.

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    Quoting A Journal

    Citation from a journal is different from magazine and newspaper. If you take some information from a journal, you should include the writer's name first and then title and issue month or date of it. For example, you may say "Mr. ABC in January issue of XYZ of Science writes," and then say what he has written.

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    Internet Sources

    While citing a website you will have the name of a organisation, and not its website address, which is rather lengthy sometimes. For example, you can say "XYZ Society includes information," and then narrate that information. In case of a news website you can say "XYZ in their February 4 editorial said," and say what was written on the website.

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