How to Do Stretching Exercises as a Senior

Most of us rarely find any time for physical exertions in your busy daily routines. We all desire to have an optimum fitness levels and physical toughness but this cannot be achieved without performing physical workouts on regular basis. It is true that most people don’t have enough spare time to go to gym for exercises but you can take some time out of your busy routine for performing stretching exercises at home. These simple moves have immense benefits in the long run and you will feel your body becoming stronger and more attractive.


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    Stretching Your Pelvis and Thighs

    You have to make these stretching moves on a flat ground. Place a carpet or thick towel on the floor and lie onto it, keeping your face towards the ceiling. Your shoulders must keep touching the ground and you have to bend your knees up, putting your feet flat on the floor. Now slowly start lower your one knee sideways and keep stretching it until it touches the floor. If your knee doesn’t touch the floor, you not have to force it but see your comfort first. Hold your knee close to the floor for about 5 seconds and then slowly bring your knee upwards to its initial position. Hold you knee there for 5 second and the repeat the step for 6 to 7 times with both of your legs.

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    Stretching Your Hamstrings

    Stand upright behind s chair and hold the back of it while fully extending his both arms. Now keep straight your back and shoulders, and slowly keep bending over the chair to make your body parallel to the floor. Keep your back bend parallel to the ground for 5 second s and then return to the upright position. Repeat this move 6 to 7 times.

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    Stretching Your Wrists

    Stand straight up in the praying position, joining both your palms, while keeping your elbows at your side and your hands pointing towards the ceiling. Now start raising your elbows until they become parallel to the floor. You might not be able to raise your elbows this much high but keep pushing as far as you comfortably can. Hold your elbows high for 10 to 15 seconds before slowly returning to the mean position. You should repeat this move 6 to 7 times.

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