How to Do Tai Sabaki

Martial arts have been practiced over centuries and not only keep you fit and healthy, but enable you to defend yourself if attacked. You have to be aggressive and dominating in a fight to gain the upper hand; however, defence is of extreme importance if you are a professional martial artist. People adopt various techniques in martial arts to be successful. One such defensive technique is Tai Sabaki. In Tai Sabaki, you take your body out of the opponents line of action. It actually enhances your chances of attacking the other person at the right time.


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    Tai Sabaki is developed from different styles of martial arts; however, it is mainly based on Karate Shotokan, which is also known as Shindo Jinn Ryu system. Some of the other types are:

    Aikido - In this style, you use your opponent’s body against themselves.

    Jujutsu - You grapple and strike in this style.

    Kobudo – Weapon training.

    A combination of all the above mentioned styles is called Tai Sabaki.

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    Place your front foot diagonally

    It means ‘moving in’. Slide your front foot diagonally about 40 degrees to your right from Migi Hanmi. Rise your left foot up in the air with a bent knee. However, you need to make sure that it remains behind the right foot even in this posture.

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    Stepping through

    Step through with the left foot but make sure that you move diagonally off the line of attack. By doing this, the left foot will become your front foot. Now you can resume your stance by bringing the right foot behind.

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    Rotate your body

    From a Migi Hanmi position, you need to rotate 180s degrees on your heels in the opposite direction. As a result, you will be facing your partner now.  If you were facing south to start the position in Migi Hanmi, you will now be facing north in Hidari Hanmi, having completed this movement.

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    Move backwards

    Step a little forward and off the line of attack of the opponent with the front foot. Now you need to turn back 180 degrees.

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