How to Do the Cupid Shuffle Dance

The Cupid Shuffle style is surely one of the easiest yet impressive dance forms. It is actually a hit number by the famous hip hop Artist Cupid. Since one does not need to be a dancing expert for it, this style has become a massive hit.

The Cupid Shuffle dance allows you to act like a ‘Dude’ in front of your friends. There is no need to wear any special dress for this. Put on a casual dress and feel comfortable as much as you can. It is really a simple dance that one can do along with his friends at the street.


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    Although not a lot of energy is required for this, you must gather some by taking a few long breaths. Warm up your body by stretching your legs in a cool fashion. There is no need to do anything in hurry. After the music plays, wait for the right moment to get your Groove on.

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    The second step is to lift the right foot. Make sure you don’t lift it too much, because it would give a very bad impression. Just raise your feet to a few inches, and put it back on the surface slowly. Do it four times with your right foot.

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    The same step is needed to be done with the left foot. You need to be very careful about the balance of your body. You may feel imbalance once your feet are lifted. So, lift the foot to a certain height where you feel completely comfortable.

    Lifting the feet too much not only gives a bad look, but also disturbs the balance. However, there is no need to be extra conscious about falling down, because it may make your body stiff which is not a good sign in this form of dancing. You need to ensure a relaxed body.

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    Now, it is the time to kick your right leg. Kicking the leg means putting the heel to the ground right in front of you. Your leg must remain straight. After finishing with the right leg, repeat this with your left leg.

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    After finishing with the legs, it is the time to move your body. Just walk, making sure that you are turning to the left while doing so. This move will ensure that you are facing the other wall when getting to the next part. You may also shake your hips to the beat.

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    Repeat all the previous moves in each direction. For example, you need to do it four times to make a circle.

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