How to Draw a Wedding Dress

There can be a possibility that your wedding is coming up and you have a very short time to do all the preparations. It may seem quite unlikely but the way we have instant coffee, instant message and instant drink there is always a place for instant marriage. While standing at a bridal boutique you are trying to select your favourite design from the album but none is matching the sketch you have in mind. If this is the situation, you probably will have to draw the desired wedding dress by yourself. For instance, if you find it difficult to do so perhaps it will not be the same anymore.


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    Start drawing right from the top or the collar area and then slowly bring the pencil down keeping in mind the vital statistics of your physique.

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    Moving the pencil down, keep it side wards descending from the top, in such a way that both sides appear to be moving away from each other.

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    After you have drawn both the sides keeping a certain width in between, mention the layers or the frills that you want to appear in the dress.

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    Once you have mentioned the desired layers and the frills in the wedding dress then start making the design you want to appear in the layers.

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    As you are done with making the design, do remember to mention the borders or the edges of your dress as they can be light or heavy and may possible need some embroidery.

  1. Britney Proctor | Reply

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