How to Fertilize Fruit Trees Properly

Growing crops in the same place for many years in a row reduces the fertility of soil, especially if you are not following a rotation policy and are continuously growing the same crop every season. Natural as well as chemical fertilizers are used to enhance a soil’s natural fertility. The amount of fertilizer to be applied varies depending upon the soil type and various other factors. Established fruit trees need more fertilizer as compared to small crops. For moderate growth of tree and high yields of good size, high-quality fruit, the right balance is essential.

Things Required:

– Compost Makers
– Fertilizers
– Trowel or hoe
– Garden Hoses


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    Consult the local nursery to find the best fertilizer for your fruit tree. Select a fertilizer specifically made for fruit bearing plants, such as 0-10-10 or 15-30-15. The numbers reveal the amount of nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium present in a specific fertilizer.

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    Mark a line on the soil around the tree, corresponding to the outward edges of the branches, and apply the fertilizer around this line.

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    Using a trowel, mix the fertilizer into the soil.

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    Cover the soil with mulch and compost to keep it from drying out at the surface. Keep the mulch at an ample distance (6 to 8 inches) from the tree stem to allow maximum air circulation.

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    Liberally water the soil with a garden hose. This will move the fertilizer deep into the soil, making it easy for the roots to pick it up.

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