How to Format a Two Page Resume

The basic purpose of a resume is to provide your potential employer a quick view of your qualifications, skills and achievements. The most common mistake is to draft a lengthy resume. Remember that interviewers do not have much time to read the trivial details so it’s better to be concise.

Though, an ideal resume is of one page but if you have many job related achievements and experiences then there is no harm in extending your resume to a second page. However, there are a couple of important things to keep in mind while formatting a two page resume.


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    A notable Header:

    First of all, you need to create a heading at the top centre of the first page. This portion will comprise our name, contact information, postal and email addresses. Though, you can use large font to highlight your name but make sure that its size and style do not look odd. Moreover, the font size of other things should be much less than your name.

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    Describe your ambition:

    After giving your name at the top of the page, you will describe your ambition in this profession. Basically, you need to make the interviewer believe that you have some panache and no one else deserves this post. However, do not drag the thought rather try to confine your mission statement in the minimum amount of words.

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    Mention the relevant work experience:

    The next thing you will do is to mention your work experience. Be sensible in this section and do not include irrelevant work experience. The most followed pattern is to mention the recent job first followed by other work experience. Give brief description of your job responsibilities and achievements. Do mention the period of time you worked at each job.

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    Talk about your successful ventures:

    If you have any unusual success story then you can mention that achievement in a separate section. However, make sure it is worth mentioning otherwise you will destroy your image.

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    List your degrees and certificates:

    After giving details of work experience and achievements, now you need to mention your qualifications. Make a heading of “Education” and then add all the degrees you have obtained. Start with the highest or latest certificate and include all the details of professional studies.

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    Additional skills:

    Last but the not least, you will mention any relevant skills. For example, if you are applying for a job for a producer in a media house then mentioning creative script writing can leave a really good effect.

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