How to Get Guatemala Tourist Visit Visa from London

Guatemala is a small country bordered with the Mexico in Central American region. The Country is rich in culture and diverse in traditions adopted from different Central American people. Gautemala has amazing landscapes, glorious mountains and deserts, thick forest and many ancient buildings to attract tourists.  Antigua Casa Popenoe, Antigua University of San Carlos, Antigua Captain General Palace, Plaza Mayor, National Palace, La Aurora Museum and many others are unique in structure and architectures which is a special magnet for the tourists of the World. British passport holders have privilege to visit Guatemala visa free for three months. This exemption is also eligible for citizens of several other countries, still there are some countries whose nationals require visa to enter this country.  Those who are not national of visa exempted countries need to apply to Embassy of Guatemala in London to get a tourist visit visa which can be obtained maximum for six months after fulfilling certain conditions. Here is a step by step guide to get a Guatemala tourist visit visa from London which will help the applicants.

Visit: Embassy of Guatemala in London


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    Visa Exempted Countries

    The Nationals of the following countries does not visa to travel to Guatemala. The list also includes the UK passport holders. The Nationals of the countries with star can visit only for three months under visa exempted condition.

    Alemia* (Germany), Finland*, Nueva Zelanda, Andorra*, Francia, Paises Bajos ( Holland )*, Argentina*, Grecia, Panama, Australia, Honduras, Paraguay, Austria*, Ireland, Portugal, Belgica*, Israel*, United Kindom, Belice, Italia*, Irlanda del Norte*, Brasil, Japon*, Rep. de China ( Taiwan ), Canada, Liechtenstein*, San Marino, Costa Rica, Luxemburgo*, Santa Sede ( Vaticano ), Chile*, Mexico, Suecia*, Dinamarca*, Monaco*, Suiza*, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Uruguay*, España, Noruega*, Venezuela, Estados Unidos.

    Citizens from Bolivia, Ecaudor, Peru and Colombia having valid US visa stamped in their passport can enter the country with tourism card.

    Below given procedure is for those who need to get a tourist visit visa from London before entering into Gautemala.

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    Application Form

    You can collect application form available at the visa section of the Guatemala Embassy in London. You will have to visit the embassy between working hours that are 9:00 to 13:00 from Monday to Friday.

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    Following are the prerequisites that should be completed in order to get a tourist visit visa from London.

    a)      Valid passport with at least six months to expire on the date of application,
    b)      Visa fee,
    c)       Bank statement or proof of funds that you can bear the expenses of your trip to Guatemala,
    d)      You may have also need to provide a certificate of Vaccination for Yellow Fever.

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    Visa Fee

    Visa fee is subject to change by the Guatemalan Embassy every year. Visa fee is also different for different citizens. Therefore you should consult the Embassy directly to get information about the Visa fee. However, visa fee can be submitted in cash or Postal Order made payable to the name of the “Embassy of Guatemala in London”.

    Locate the Nearest Post Office in London.

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    Submission of Application

    Application can be submitted in person or by registered post. You can submit in person in visa section of the Embassy between 9:00 to 13:00 from Monday to Friday. In case of postal submission, you need to send prepaid, self-addressed, stamped return envelope with your application to receive back your visa.

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    Application Processing Time

    Standard time to process any kind of visa application is three working days. The time is subject to change as per the further investigation of the Embassy.

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    Collection of Visa

    Visa can be collected from the visa section between 13:00 to 15:00 from Monday to Friday if submitted in person. In case of postal submission, you need not to visit the Embassy, as Guatemala Embassy will send your visa and original documents back to you on the address written on your prepaid, self-addressed envelope.

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    Final Check List

    Before submission of application, you should check your application again. You should check the following things:

    a)      Your application form is completely filled and singed on the designated place,
    b)      Visa is valid for at least six months and have at least one blank page for visa,
    c)       Two passport size photographs are attached with the application,
    d)      Bank statement is attached and have minimum amount required by the Embassy,
    e)      Visa fee postal order or Banker’s draft is attached,
    f)       Proof of hotel booking in Guatemala is attached,
    g)      Copy of the air return ticket is attached,
    h)      Prepaid, self-addressed, stamped return envelope is attached.

    Failure to meet any of the above information may cause delays in your application.

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    Things Allowed and Precautions

    You are allowed certain things while making a tourist visit to Guatemala. You are allowed household products, electronics, entertainments stuff, sports kits, clothes and many other such things. You should also have a valid passport on you during your entire trip in Guatemala. You should also cooperate with the Immigration authorities at any moment. In case of any emergency in the Guatemala, you should contact the Embassy of your native Citizenship.

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