How to Host a Virtual Garage Sale on Facebook

Hosting a Virtual Garage Sale on Facebook is much easier than doing it in real life. All you have to do is take pictures of the items you want to sell, post them on Facebook and invite friends to have a look just in case they might find something interesting. However, the effectiveness rate is not the same as in reality. Therefore, you need to take some certain steps to ensure that your items can be accessed by those people who are interested in buying them.


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    Post a Status

    The first thing you need to do in this whole process is to announce your sale. You can simply do that by posting a status update on Facebook stating that you’re seeking to sell out some stuff using the social network as a platform. This would help in letting your friends know about your virtual garage sale. Think of it as an advertisement, your status would serve as the message, while Facebook would be the medium you would be using to promote your garage sale.

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    No need to hurry

    Don’t just rush with the virtual sale. Instead, give time to your friends to deliver feedback on your status in the form of comments or likes. The more feedback you’ll receive, the more popular your status will become as it would begin to feature on your friends’ newsfeed. Moreover, update your status every time whenever you post a new item up for sale, so that it doesn’t go unnoticed.

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    Create an Album

    Take the best possible pictures of the items that you’re putting up for sale. You can use a little bit of picture editing if you must, but don’t overdo it. Bad photos would not be able to attract potential buyers, so it’s good to enhance the presentation of the items that you’re putting up for sale. Upload those pictures in a Photo Album on Facebook, named as ‘Virtual Garage Sale’ or something like that to help people in understanding the purpose of the album.

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    Accurate Description

    Mention the description of each item in the photo caption to help potential buyers in developing a better understanding of the product. There are a few products, for which a description is necessary. For example if you’ve uploaded a picture of a laptop then describe the specifications of it under the photo caption.

    Privacy Settings

    Make sure that the privacy setting of the album is set to ‘Public’. This would increase the size of your target audience, as people other than your friends or subscribers would be able to check-out the uploaded items and contact you if interested.

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    Privacy Settings

    Make sure that the privacy setting of the album is set to ‘Public’. This would increase the size of your target audience, as people other than your friends or subscribers would be able to check-out the uploaded items and contact you if interested.

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    Item Delivery

    You can discuss how you would be delivering the particular item to the interested buyer. If the person lives close to your place, then you can do him/her a favour by dropping the stuff at his/her place. Or, if he/she lives afar, then ask them to come and collect the product for themselves. The transaction could be take place upon the delivery of the item.

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