How to Join a Cheerleading Squad

A cheerleading squad plays a massive role in building and spreading the school spirit during the sporting events, which is why they find themselves in the spotlight so often. The dance routine, cheers and immense amount of enthusiasm that they show serves to motivate their players and get the crowd behind the team.

Since cheerleaders shoulder such an important responsibility, it is not at all easy to get into the cheerleading squad, at least not until you have put in a great deal of effort to prepare yourself for the tryouts that decide who gets to join the cheerleading squad.


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    The first thing that you need to do is to get in shape so that you have a good chance of getting into the cheerleading squad. You need to understand that even though cheerleaders make the dance routines, cheers and enthusiasm look effortless, it actually requires a lot of energy. Therefore, start building up energy through routine exercise. Do not only work on your stamina, which undoubtedly is an extremely important assert in cheerleading, but also concentrate on making your body flexible, so that you do not have a lot of trouble performing acrobatic dance moves.

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    Instead of going straight to the cheerleading tryout, you should attend a cheerleading clinic. Working with an instructor at the clinic will be extremely beneficial for you, as you will be able to learn the basics and prepare yourself for the tryouts at school. Keep in mind that you will not be the only one who would be trying to get into the cheerleading squad. Competition might be tough, which is why you should go in prepared. If there is anything that you do not understand or are confused about, ask your instructor at the clinic to explain it to you.

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    Simply attending the cheerleading clinic is not good enough. You need to keep practicing whatever it is that you learn. Even though it is a clichéd phrase now, but practice really does make one perfect at something. Learn the dance routines and practice them with other girls who are trying out for the cheerleading squad. Do not react badly to criticism. Instead, make use of this criticism to get even better.

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    Now that you are prepared to put your cheers, dance routine and enthusiasm on display, attend the tryouts. Remember, you have been preparing yourself for this moment since a long time and have put in a lot of effort. Therefore, put on an energetic performance to impress the panel who is conducting the tryouts.

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