How to Laugh at Yourself

“A day without laughter is a day wasted,” said the famous Charlie Chaplin. Laughing is the best natural medicines as it increases life span, blood flow, immune system, and many more. If laughing is the ultimate solution of happiness and healthy life – then why don’t you grab every single opportunity to laugh? Oh! You find it difficult to come up with the reasons to laugh? Then simple is the solution. Laugh at yourself! It is simple and free of cost. Relief you stress and all types of mental tensions with a laughter. During the gloomy and uncertain times, the art of laughing at yourself can play very vital role in your survival. Moreover, laughing at yourself is a key to boost your confidence level, having an optimistic personality, set good mood and to lay the foundation for a good sense of humor. So, are you ready to learn how to laugh at yourself? Here we go…


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    Select a calm and peaceful environment

    The very first thing you have to do is, select a calm and peaceful environment to spend time with yourself and to laugh at yourself. You personal room can be the best location.

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    Be your own audience

    Now be your own audience and try to look into your life as a real “sit-com.” When something humorous happens, visualize how the live audience would perceive it. Envisage your slip-ups as a reel of boo-boos and laugh at their ludicrousness.

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    Think of Something Funny

    Stand in front of your mirror and try to recall something really funny that has come off to you in the past. Now, think about it with concentration in order to test if this is hilarious enough to set off an automatic laughing. Once you find a memory that works, simply enjoy it with some funny facial expressions to come up a big laughter.

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    Do take a break

    Everyone in your family can think you are crazy, but as loud as you can. They are your close and loved ones, they will love it once know about the reason behind your laughter. Once you start laughing, continue thinking of the funniest scenarios or the uproarious situations to drag your laughing session as long as you can. It helps in relieving your stress and tension.

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