How to Make a Bean Bag Chair at Home

Every house hold needs to have its fair share of furniture in it. This is because without furniture you really can’t have a complete home. You need articles of furniture to go about business and follow your day to day routine.

There are designated items that people get for certain places of their homes, so that they can live comfortably and enjoy life on a daily basis.

Now normally one of the items of furniture that tends to fall short is when people run out of chairs in their homes.

Chairs require you to get them in sets, which is why it is very hard to be able to get the right chairs.

Alternatively, in order to take care of the seating people look to invest in bean bags. At the same time, people can go on and make their own bean bag chairs, which can take care of the problem for you and make life easier.


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    The first thing to do is to decide what kind of bean bag it is that you wish to get. You need to figure out the shape and size of the bean bag that you are looking to make, while figuring out what fabric you want to use. You will have a number of choices to decide over, so spend a lot of time figuring out exactly what it is that you wish to get.

    Once you have the fabric that you are looking to use, go ahead and cut out the patterned pieces of fabric carefully and skilfully. Once all of these fabrics have been cut out, go on and stitch them together. However, you need to leave a gap open at one end, because this is the area where you will be putting the balls into the bean bag from.

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    Now get a funnel like device and stick it in the hole. After this is done, go on and start filling out your bean bag with a filler of your choice. However the most popular thing to use is Styrofoam. Make sure you fill up the bean bag all the way, but don’t overdo it, since you are going to have to close the bean bag off once you are done.

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    After you have filled up the bag all the way, you can decide to add a zipper to the bag, or you can opt to just stitch up the whole thing.

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