How to Make a Bulb Garden

Bulb flowers greet the spring with their vibrant and cheerful colors. They liven up the place. Flowers like Tulips, Daffodils and Hyacinths are loved by everyone because of the dramatic beauty that they add to the garden. You can plant some varieties (tulip, daffodile, hyacinth) in the autumn which will bloom in early spring while others like Iris, dahlias, gladioli, begonias, cannas, and some lilies are planted in spring to bloom in late summer.

Our step by step guide takes you from choosing the varieties to the plantation and care of these amazing flowers so that your garden becomes an object of pure awe.


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    Determine a suitable location:

    You must have a specific place in mind where you want the garden. Make an estimation for the size of the area you have, the amount of bulbs you should buy and the design of the garden. Make a rough sketch. Since the varieties are of such bright colors, you can easily make an interesting combination out of them.

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    Choose the bulbs:

    Choose the bulb varieties that you want in your garden. This can be based on the colors of their flower. Go for bulbs that are large in size because they are of higher quality, strong and survive for years. The package of the bulbs will usually have information about the spacing it needs while planting. So plan it according to the area estimate you made in the first step.

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    Prepare the planting area:

    The best time to plant is early fall because the bulbs will have enough time to settle before the harsh winter arrives. Clear the weeds off the grounds. Til it and add compost if the soils needs additional organic content. Make the flower beds by making holes large enough to contain the bulbs, at the spacing mentioned on the package. Put the bulbs in these holes with the flat side in and pointed end facing upward. Cover with soil on sides. Add a slow releasing fertilizer to the flower bed. Water the bulbs, enough to reach the bottom.

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    Show time:

    Enjoy the spring with the wonderful colors exhibiting themselves. Make bouquets for friends and bring in the flowers inside the house for vases.

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